29 janeiro, 2011

Número de muçulmanos no Reino Unido vai duplicar para 5, 5 milhões em 20 anos

The Muslim population in the UK will almost double to 5.5million within 20 years, it has been claimed. Immigration and high birth rates will mean nearly one in ten Britons will be Muslim by 2030, according to a worldwide study about the spread of Islam. And the forecasts mean Britain will have more Muslims than Kuwait.
From 1990 to 2010 the number of followers of the Islamic faith around the world increased at an average rate of 2.2 per cent annually. Last year there were 1.57billion around the world. 
The British increase in the Muslim population from the current 2.8million will be mainly driven by immigration, according to figures prepared by a Washington think tank. Projections by the respected Pew Research Centre said the 40 years between 1990 and 2030 will see a fivefold rise in Britain.
In 1990 there were 1.1million Muslims in Britain, representing two per cent of the population.
By last year that figure had risen to 2.8million, or four per cent. By 2030 the number will hit 5.5million - eight per cent of an estimated 68million population, Pew researchers said. [...]

Ver notícia no Daily Mail

25 janeiro, 2011

Maiores cidades da Finlândia criam ‘ghettos multiculturais‘ pelos fluxos migratórios

In recent years, Finland’s largest cities have developed areas where more than a fifth of the population is of foreign origin. In these city parts, the changeability of people is great, and the original Finnish population continues to decrease.
In Helsinki’s Itäkeskus and other eastern residential areas, for example, more than one fifth of the population have foreign backgrounds, and their number is increasing by about one percent every year.
For her soon-to-be checked doctoral thesis for the University of Helsinki’s Geography Department, researcher Katja Vilkama studied cities’ immigrant concentrations.
According to Vilkama, areas like Itäkeskus are entryways into Finnish society. However, once immigrants start to earn more and become familiar with Finnish society, they often leave these city areas behind.
Vilkama found the population in such areas to be very mobile, as people were continuously moving in and out. In the Helsinki region, about one in five immigrant families moves areas every year. Estonian immigrants are especially prone to move, says Vilkama.
In fact, there are more people with foreign backgrounds leaving immigrant-heavy areas compared with the number of Finns moving out. However, as both sections of the population are replaced mostly by new immigrants, the number of Finns continues to diminish in these areas.

Ver notícia no YLE. fi

12 janeiro, 2011

Cidade de Helsínquia acaba com horários específicos para muçulmanas em piscinas públicas

City of Helsinki will stop providing special hours for Muslim women to use the public swimming pool in Jakomaki. Later, the slot time for the Muslim women will be open to all women.  Other swimmers have criticized the practice, according to Teemu Raatikainen, manager of the swimming pool.  Previously, a swimming pool on Saturday morning Jakomaki provide specifically for Muslim women. Women were following the swim session class for young Muslim girls. The pool reopened on Wednesday (5 / 1) after closed due to renovations. From now on, the pool will be open to all women – and closed to the men – every Tuesday night.  The decision to give a specific time for Muslim women is a controversial decision in Jakomaki. [...]

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03 janeiro, 2011

A difícil relação da Turquia com o Pai Natal

Casi con toda certeza, Santa Claus es de origen turco. Pero eso parecían ignorarlo la veintena de jóvenes que la pasada Nochevieja se reunieron frente a la Universidad de Estambul para apuñalar un Papá Noel hinchable de tamaño natural, a modo de protesta contra las «celebraciones del imperialismo cultural occidental» de Año Nuevo.
Los estudiantes eran miembros de la Asociación Juventud Anatolia, un grupo ultranacionalista de sesgo islamista que considera que el islam suní es la única religión verdaderamente «turca». «Hay un hadice (un relato oral de las enseñanzas de Mahoma durante su vida, según la tradición musulmana) que dice: "No seáis como judíos o cristianos". Esto nos enseña qué enormes problemas pueden ocurrir en caso de comportarnos como ellos», declaró el portavoz del grupo, Güven Günduz.
«Ningún musulmán debería respetar las absurdas celebraciones que se realizan bajo el nombre de «Navidad» y que no tienen equivalente en nuestras creencias y cultura», afirmó.
Ver notícia no ABC

01 janeiro, 2011

Atentado numa igreja cristã copta de Alexandria matou 21 pessoas

 Uma explosão, esta madrugada, numa igreja copta de Alexandria, no Egipto, matou 21 pessoas e feriu perto de meia centena. As autoridades acreditam que se tratou de um atentado suicida e, pouco depois do incidente, registaram-se confrontos entre cristãos e muçulmanos naquela cidade.
As primeiras informações indicavam que a explosão teria sido causada por um carro armadilhado, mas já esta manhã o Ministério do Interior egípcio corrigiu a informação. Segundo um porta-voz, não há sinais de que a detonação tenha tido origem em nenhum dos carros que foi destruído e “é provável que o engenho que causou a explosão tenha sido transportado por um bombista que morreu no meio da multidão. [...]

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Feliz Ano Novo de 2011!