22 dezembro, 2010

20 dezembro, 2010

Professor do secundário denunciado por aluno muçulmano por falar de presunto nas aulas

Un profesor de secundaria del Instituto Menénez Tolosa, en La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz), ha sido denunciado por la familia de un alumno musulmán por hablar de jamón en clase. En concreto, el docente impartía clase de Geografía cuando, al hacer referencia a los distintos climas de España, comentó que el frío propio de Trévelez, en Granada, favorecía la curación del jamón.
Fuen ese momento cuando un alumno de origen musulmán consideró que el ejemplo era una ofensa para su credo. Tras la denuncia interpuesta por la familia del menor, la Policía se personó en el Instituto para interrogar al profesor, tal y como informa hoy el Diario de Cádiz. El docente, según informa hoy este diario, asegura que nunca ha hecho en sus clases "apología del jamón o del cerdo". [...].

Ver notícia no ABC

17 dezembro, 2010

Detenção de grupos islâmicos salafistas na Alemanha ao abrigo de legislação anti-nazi

German  authorities hardened a crackdown on Islamic groups yesterday, raiding homes and schools that reportedly belong to adherents of fundamentalist Salafi Islam.
German officials said the preemptive raids, conducted under German anti-Nazi laws of association, were aimed at uncovering unconstitutional or separatist acts and not part of an international terror hunt.
The raids targeted the Islamic Cultural Center of Bremen, on the North Sea, along with a group calling itself Invitation to Paradise in two small northwest German cities. Invitation to Paradise's leader has called for sharia, or Islamic law, to prevail one day but has specifically opposed using violence to impose it.
While some experts say police overreacted in conducting the raids, German officials have come under great pressure from local media and citizen groups to respond to some Muslim organizations that appear to resist joining mainstream German society.
“These groups are a problem for integration, even maybe for radicalization, though not necessarily for violent jihad. They are very orthodox and like to be separate but are not preaching but usually condemning violence,” says Alexander Ritzmann, a former Berlin member of parliament now with the European Foundation for Democracy in Brussels. “The problem is that some jihadis in Germany from before identified themselves as Salafi.”

Ver notícia no Christian Science Monitor [...]

05 dezembro, 2010

O Egipto silencia a minoria cristã

Los cristianos juran que la policía de Mubarak irrumpió en la iglesia a medio construir de Omraneya al grito de «Allah uk akbar» (Alá es el más grande), ese que solo usan «cuando van a por los terroristas y en la guerra». Les atacaron, cuentan, «de una forma inhumana», disparando a bocajarro pelotas de goma, gases lacrimógenos, piedras y las balas que mataron a en el acto a Makarios Gad, de 19 años. Hubo 13 agentes y 80 ciudadanos heridos, dos de ellos también han muerto. Luego «se llevaron a todo el mundo, a 156 hombres, mujeres y niños que estaban dentro del edificio», y desde entonces, dicen, «la caza no ha terminado».
La Unión Egipcia para los Derechos Humanos asegura que hay 400 detenciones más, que las fuerzas de seguridad les sacan por las noches de sus casas y que esta semana pararon un autobús en la calle «y agarraron, —explica Ezzar Ibrahim—, a los que tenían escrito en el carné la religión equivocada: cristianos». En el gobierno local de Giza, dirigido por el oficialista Sayyed Abdel Aziz, niegan toda esta versión «cínica y maliciosamente distorsionada» y advierten que los agredidos fueron los policías, cuando trataban de disolver a 3.000 cristianos «vándalos» que protestaban porque el Estado les ha suspendido las obras de esa «iglesia ilegal» en la que se atrincheraban. Y ya saben que no tienen ningún derecho a manifestarse.[...].

Ver notícia no ABC

26 novembro, 2010

Professora estagiária com véu islâmico afastada de dar aulas

Licenciée en vertu du principe de laïcité. L'académie de Toulouse a exclu vendredi une enseigante stagiaire qui refusait de retirer son voile islamique pour faire la classe à des élèves de primaire. Cette exclusion est définitive et revient à un licenciement, confirme le rectorat. Le principe de laïcité est affirmé par l'article premier de la Constitution. Le «principe de neutralité s'impose aux agents publics dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions et leur interdit d'exprimer, de matérialiser, d'extérioriser leurs croyances religieuses», rappelle le recteur.
La jeune femme, dont l'identité n'a pas été révélée, n'a manifesté aucune intention de contester cette décision. Si elle change d'avis, elle dispose de deux mois pour formuler un recours devant le tribunal administratif. L'intéressée a accepté le verdict de l'académie de Toulouse «avec beaucoup de dignité et de responsabilité», témoigne le directeur de la communication du rectorat, Michel Montredon. «Elle n'a montré aucune volonté de monter cette affaire en épingle, elle savait ce que sa décision impliquait dans sa vie professionnelle et publique».

Ver notícia no Figaro

18 novembro, 2010

Piscina separada par mulheres criada na Universidade George Washington

Colleges strive to create welcoming, inclusive communities for students from every background. But a new effort at George Washington University has scores of critics and supporters abuzz with heated comments that continue to pour in on various blogs and news articles.

At the request of the university's Muslim Students' Association, George Washington began offering a once-weekly, female-only swim hour in March. But it only recently turned into an online debate over issues of religious and sexual discrimination and - though not always explicitly - racism, spurred by an article in the student newspaper, The GW Hatchet. [...].

Ver notícia na FoxNation

10 novembro, 2010

Bairros de cristãos em Bagdade atacados

A series of bombings and mortar attacks targeting Christian areas has killed at least three people in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, security sources say.
Six districts with strong Christian majorities were hit, and at least 24 people have been injured.
The attacks come days after more than 40 people died when Islamist militants seized a Catholic cathedral.
The violence comes as top-level talks on resolving the country's political crisis ended without agreement.
Iraq's political leaders have been negotiating on forming a new government since inconclusive elections in March. [...]

Ver notícias na BBC

03 novembro, 2010

Cristãos ‘são agora alvos legítimos‘ no Iraque

A Al-Qaida no Iraque advertiu hoje que os cristãos são agora "alvos legítimos", depois de expirado o ultimato dado à Igreja Copta no Egipto para libertar duas mulheres, segundo o centro norte-americano de vigilância de sites islamistas (SITE).
O Estado Islâmico do Iraque (ISI), grupo ligado à rede terrorista Al-Qaida, reivindicou, no domingo, o ataque a uma igreja siríaca católica, em Bagdad, e deu 48 horas à Igreja Copta do Egipto para libertar duas cristãs que se converteram ao Islão e estão "detidas em mosteiros" no Egipto.
"O ultimato acordado à Igreja copta no Egipto muçulmano para libertar as nossas irmãs expirou", refere um comunicado da al-Qaida no Iraque. [...]

Ver notícia no MSN News 

02 novembro, 2010

A Turquia necessita de levantar as restrições aos cristãos ortodoxos

As Turkey celebrates its Independence Day on Oct. 29, Christians living there probably won’t be partaking in any celebratory parties.
Despite recent reforms in the country, human rights and the protection of religious minorities still require significant improvement.
One body that is continually being persecuted is the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople, present-day Istanbul.
This 1,700 year old living institution is the Mother Church of Christianity headed by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew who shepherds the spiritual needs of the world’s 300 million Orthodox Christians.
Alas, the problems faced by the Patriarchate are plenty. Turkey, for example, does not recognize the “Ecumenical” title – an ecclesiastical designation instituted in the year 586. Belittlingly, Turkey refers to Bartholomew as the “Phanar Patriarch” after the district in Istanbul where he is headquartered, despite all other foreign leaders acknowledging his ecumenical status.
Hardline nationalists fear that by accepting this title the door will open for the Patriarchate to seek sovereign status like the Pope in Rome. This fear though is baseless, ignoring not only how Orthodoxy is actually administered but also the preachings of Patriarch Bartholomew who has unequivocally stated that “becoming a second Vatican is not in keeping with the Orthodox Church’s principles.”

Ver notícia no National Post

25 outubro, 2010

David Cameron proíbe ministra muçulmana de ir a conferência islâmica

O primeiro ministro britânico, David Cameron , proibiu a única ministra muçulmana do seu Governo de assistir a uma conferência islâmica que decorre hoje em Londres, noticia o jornal "The Guardian ".
A ministra sem pasta Sayeeda Warsi , de origem paquistanesa, recebeu instruções de David Cameron para não participar no "Evento para a Paz e União Globais", que os organizadores classificam como a maior reunião multicultural celebrada na Europa.
De acordo com a organização, o objetivo da conferência é melhorar as relações entre as diversas comunidades, mas os críticos sublinham que alguns dos oradores previstos já justificaram publicamente os atentados suicidas e pronunciaram-se a favor da Al Qaida, da homofobia e do terrorismo. [...]

Ver notícia no Expresso

17 outubro, 2010

A intenção de criar uma sociedade multicultural fracassou por completo

El intento de Alemania de crear una sociedad multicultural "ha fracasado por completo", ha dicho la canciller Angela Merkel, encendiendo el debate sobre la inmigración y la integración de la población islámica que tiene el país.

Ante jóvenes de su partido Unión Demócrata Cristiana (CDU), Merkel ha afirmado que permitir que personas de diferentes culturas vivan sin que se integren no ha funcionado en un país que es hogar de cerca de cuatro millones de musulmanes.

"Este enfoque (multicultural) ha fracasado, fracasado por completo", dijo Merkel en el encuentro que se realizó en Potsdam, al sur de Berlín.

La mandataria enfrenta la presión de su propio partido para adoptar una línea más dura sobre inmigrantes que no muestran disposición de adaptarse a la sociedad alemana y sus comentarios parecían intentar pacificar a sus críticos. [...]

Ver notícia no El Mundo

10 outubro, 2010

Sharia islâmica usada na Alemanha para disputas em matéria de família

“We have been practising Islamic law for years, and that is a good thing,” Hilmar Krüger, professor for foreign private law at Cologne University, told Der Spiegel magazine. Family and inheritance rulings were often made according to Sharia law, he said, listing a range of examples. Women who are in polygamous marriages legal in their countries of origin can make claims of their husbands in Germany regardless of the fact that their marriages would not be lawful here. They can claim maintenance from their husbands and a share of an eventual inheritance, said Krüger. German judges often refer to Sharia, as the Federal Social Court in Kassel did a few years ago when it supported the claim of a second wife for a share of her dead husband’s pension payments, which his first wife wanted to keep all to herself. The judge ruled they should share the pension [...].

Ver notícia no The Local

29 setembro, 2010

Festival de cinema gay atacado em Jacarta

An international film festival celebrating gay cinema was yesterday targeted by masked Islamic hardliners in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.
The protesters, members of the Islamic Defenders Front, chanted homophobic slogans and accused organisers of the Q! film festival, now in its ninth year, of blasphemy, threatening to burn down a venue if screenings did not halt. The event, which is being held at foreign cultural centres in Jakarta, opened last week and was scheduled to run until Wednesday night. It aims to raise awareness of gay issues. Festival co-founder and director John Badalu told the Jakarta Post he and his team were committed to running the festival according to schedule. "We're still going to go on," he said. However, organisers admitted last night that they had been forced to cancel some screenings. [...]

Ver notícia no Guardian

27 setembro, 2010

Uso da burqa interditado nas escolas católicas irlandesas

Teachers have been told in guidelines that Muslims would not be permitted to wear the niqab, the garment covering the entire body except for slits across the eyes. The guidance, circulated in Ireland by bishops among more than 450 schools this week, said that although staff should respect the religious rights of non-Catholics, it was "unsatisfactory for a teacher not to be able to see and engage properly with a pupil whose face was covered".

"No pupil or staff member should be prevented from wearing a religious symbol or garment in accordance with their tradition, for example, the hijab [headscarf] for Muslim girls and the turban for Sikh boys," said the document called "Guidelines on the Inclusion of Students of Other Faiths in Catholic Secondary Schools". [...]

Ver notícia no Telegraph

15 setembro, 2010

A França proibe o uso da burqa no espaço público

France risked the wrath of the Islamic world on Tuesday by banning burqas and other full-body robes worn by some Muslim women, in a long-debated move that shows the depth of concern over the rise of Muslim culture in Europe.

Switzerland, for example, banned the construction of minarets after a referendum last year. Belgium and Spain are discussing measures to outlaw similar full-body cloaks. In Sweden, long known as one of Europe's most tolerant societies, an anti-immigration party that has called for Swedish Muslims to integrate more is expected to win its first Parliamentary seat in this weekend's elections.

In the U.S., tensions are running similarly high over plans to build an Islamic community center near the site of the World Trade Center destroyed by Muslim terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001, and over a Florida pastor's threat to burn qurans in commemoration of the date last week. [...].

Ver notícia no Wall Street Journal

12 setembro, 2010

Acesso ao Wesite da Playboy banido na Turquia

Turkey has put a ban on the website of the well-known Playboy magazine, Turkish blogs inform. According to Turkish bloggers, Turkey continues to be a country of prohibitions and limitations. This time a ban was put on Playboy. Bloggers say, the website was banned on August 6, with the religious holidays after the fasting month of Ramadan on the doorstep. Access to the site was suspended without a related court decision. However, this is not the first case Turkey has banned a website. [...]

Ver notícia no Panorama

07 setembro, 2010

Banqueiro alemão gera polémica com livro anti-emigração

Politicians have rushed to condemn a board member of the German central bank for a new book tackling immigration, but his views have found considerable support among the population at large.
Thilo Sarrazin's book "is not convincing, but it has convinced many people," said the influential Spiegel magazine, which this week has the Bundesbank executive on its cover, calling him a "people's hero."
His publisher is rushing to print more copies of "Germany Does Itself In" to meet demand. Online retailer Amazon.de has a massive 207 reader reviews on its website, with the average score 4.4 stars out of a possible five.
The Social Democrats (SPD), the centre-left political party Sarrazin belongs to, has been inundated with thousands of letters, emails and phone calls attacking the central bank board's desire to expel him.
"Listen to the voice of the people for once," Spiegel quoted one of the almost 4,000 emails as saying.
In the book, Sarrazin says Europe's top economy is being undermined, overwhelmed and made "more stupid" by poorly educated, fast-breeding, badly integrated and unproductive Muslim immigrants and their offspring. [...]

Ver notícia no France 24

19 agosto, 2010

Como vencer o conflito de civilizações

What do the controversies around the proposed mosque near Ground Zero, the eviction of American missionaries from Morocco earlier this year, the minaret ban in Switzerland last year, and the recent burka ban in France have in common? All four are framed in the Western media as issues of religious tolerance. But that is not their essence. Fundamentally, they are all symptoms of what the late Harvard political scientist Samuel Huntington called the "Clash of Civilizations," particularly the clash between Islam and the West.

Huntington's argument is worth summarizing briefly for those who now only remember his striking title. The essential building block of the post-Cold War world, he wrote, are seven or eight historical civilizations of which the Western, the Muslim and the Confucian are the most important.

The balance of power among these civilizations, he argued, is shifting. The West is declining in relative power, Islam is exploding demographically, and Asian civilizations—especially China—are economically ascendant. Huntington also said that a civilization-based world order is emerging in which states that share cultural affinities will cooperate with each other and group themselves around the leading states of their civilization. [...]

Ver artigo de Ayaan Hirsi Ali no Wall Street Journal

09 agosto, 2010

Polícia alemã fecha mesquita em Hamburgo ligada a célula do 11/S

Hamburg authorities on Monday closed the Taiba mosque, which had been the place of worship for the terrorist cell responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington. The city said the mosque had been closed in response to a ban that had been applied to the Arab cultural association which ran it, called the Arab-German Cultural Association.
The city said it would provide further details at a press conference to take place later in the day, but news agency Agence France Presse is reporting that the organization had been accused of recruiting jihadists in Germany. [...]

Ver notícia no Der Spiegel

05 agosto, 2010

Kosovo apela ao reconhecimento pelos países muçulmanos

Kosovo has appealed to Islamic nations to formally recognize its independence, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.Kosovo Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni made the appeal in a meeting with representatives from member states of the Arab League and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference in the United Nations, according to the statement.The former province of Serbia, which has a majority Albanian and Muslim population, declared independence in 2008, but Serbia along with its superpower ally Russia have vowed never to recognise its sovereignty.So far 69 of the 193 United Nations member states recognize Kosovo, among them however the United States and leading European Union nations - Germany, Great Britain and France. [...]

Ver notícia no Earth Times

28 julho, 2010

Os limites do multi-culturalismo

I would like to teach some of my neighbours some manners. I would like, for example, to say to the man who drove the wrong way up a one-way street on Sunday night, while chatting away on his mobile phone, and to the man who nearly backed into me yesterday, while also chatting on his mobile phone, and to the man who drove into my friend's van last week, while also chatting on his mobile phone, that while they clearly enjoy the art of conversation, it's one that doesn't combine brilliantly with driving.

And I would like to say to the man who drove the wrong way into the car park at Morrisons, and then hooted me, and who parked in a mother and baby slot when he was on his own, and the car park was practically empty, that it seemed a rather aggressive thing to do, and also rather lazy, and I would like to say to the man from whom I bought some paper cups, and who handled my money as if it had been dipped in anthrax, that it wouldn't kill him to say "please" or "thank you", and I would like to say to the fishmonger who asked my (black) friend whether he really wanted to buy some fish from his shop, that you should probably assume that if someone is asking for fish in your shop, then the answer is in the affirmative. [...]

ver artigo no Independent

21 julho, 2010

Noites de violência em Grenoble

Des véhicules incendiés, un tramway attaqué et des policiers visés par des tirs… Une nuit de chaos à Grenoble. De violents incidents se sont produits dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi dans capitale iséroise après la mort, la veille, d'un malfaiteur dans une fusillade avec les forces de l'ordre. Les incidents ont éclaté vers minuit (22h00 GMT) et se sont prolongés une bonne partie de la nuit dans le quartier populaire de la Villeneuve, où vivait le malfaiteur tué lors d'une fusillade consécutive au braquage d'un casino.

Un tramway immobilisé à l'aide d'un feu de broussailles a été attaqué, ce qui a donné lieu à une intervention de la police, a-t-on appris à la Direction départementale de la sécurité publique (DDSP). Une trentaine de véhicules a ensuite été incendiée et des policiers, pris pour cibles par des tirs d'armes à feu, ont riposté à quatre reprises, précise la DDSP. Aucune victime n'a été signalée. Le ministre de l'Intérieur Brice Hortefeux devait se rendre dans la préfecture de l'Isère, a-t-on appris samedi auprès de son cabinet. [...]

Ver notícia no Paris Match

16 julho, 2010

Um aliança anti-semita: o extremismo partilhado dos neo-nazis e dos jovens emigrantes

Following an anti-Semitic attack in Hanover, German authorities have identified a new source of anti-Semitic hatred in Germany: young migrants from Muslim families. The ideological alliance has officials concerned.

It was supposed to be a carefree festival in Sahlkamp on the outskirts of the northern German city of Hanover. Billed as an "International Day" to celebrate social diversity and togetherness, the June celebration included performances by a multicultural children's choir called "Happy Rainbow" and the German-Turkish rap duo 3-K. Music from Afghanistan was also on the program.

But then the mood suddenly shifted. When Hajo Arnds, the organizer of the neighborhood festival, stepped onto the stage at about 6:45 p.m. to announce the next performance, by the Jewish dance group Chaverim, he was greeted with catcalls. "Jews out!" some of the roughly 30 young people standing in front of the stage began shouting. "Gone with the Jews!" [...]

Ver notícia no Der Spiegel

13 julho, 2010

60% dos espanhóis estão contra o uso do véu nas escolas

Un 60 por ciento de los españoles se muestra contrario a que las niñas musulmanas acudan con velo a la escuela pública, según los resultados del último Barómetro del Real Instituto Elcano.

El sondeo fue realizado entre el 27 de mayo y el 18 de junio, reciente aún la polémica sobre una niña que pretendía acudir cubierta con el velo a un colegio público de Pozuelo e Alarcón, en Madrid. Solo un 15 por ciento de los encuestados defendió que las niñas musulmanas puedan acudir con velo a los centros escolares, un porcentaje algo menor (3 puntos) de quienes tenían esa opinión en el año 2007. [...]

Ver notícia no ABC

12 julho, 2010

Reino Unido: escolas devem modificar calendário de exames e cancelar aulas de natação durante o ramadão

Council bosses issued a document to all primary and secondary schools on how to avoid offending Muslim pupils who may still be fasting when the new term starts in September.
The tips from Stoke-on-Trent City council include distributing free school meals as packed lunches to take home and cancelling social events when Muslim parents might not be able to attend.
During Ramadan, it is compulsory for all males and females who have reached puberty to fast from dawn until sunset every day. Some younger children also choose to fast for all or part of the month.
The council says some pupils will get up before dawn to have their breakfast and, as a result, sleeping patterns could be interrupted. Schools are also advised to heighten staff awareness about factors affecting pupils during Ramadan. [...]

Ver notícia no Telegraph

09 julho, 2010

Um crescente radicalismo na região dos Balcãs

Increasing radicalism threatens stability in the Balkans. Just last week at a Serb-led rally against Kosovo governing authorities in the ethnically divided city of Mitrovica, a hand grenade exploded leaving one dead and ten injured. Serb and ethnic-Albanians leaders blamed each other for the attack. Balkan leaders need to begin acting on principle rather than narrow self-interest. Although the international community can support this process, ultimately regional leaders need to stand-up and be counted.

The Balkan region continues to be a hotbed for homegrown and imported extremists groups. Serbian nationalism is on the rise while missionaries of Wahhabi interpretation of Islam and other radical Islamic groups continue their efforts to establish a presence in Bosnia, Kosovo and other Muslim populated regions of the Balkans. The weak governing structures combined with growing unemployment and poverty make the region fertile ground for radical recruits.

Ver notícia no The Huffington Post

05 julho, 2010

Estudo evidencia que a maioria do terrorismo no Reino Unido tem origem doméstica

The Centre for Social Cohesion has compiled profiles of 124 individuals convicted of Islamic terrorism offences since 1999.
It found that 69 per cent of offences were perpetrated by individuals holding British nationality.
Robin Simcox, co-author of the report, said their aim was to “focus the government’s counter-terrorism efforts.”
“There are clear trends emerging with those involving themselves in terrorist activity in the UK,” he added. “It is crucial that this is recognised and then acted upon by the relevant authorities.”
His comments follow private remarks by Assistant Commissioner John Yates, Britain’s most senior counter-terrorism officer, that the country faces “eye-watering cuts” in counter-terrorism funding that could hand an advantage to Al-Qaeda.
Douglas Murray, Director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, said: “The report proves how great a threat violent Islamism poses to the world – and the fact that Britain is at the centre of this global struggle.” [...]

Ver notícia no Telegraph

02 julho, 2010

O longo caminho da Europa para a mesquita

Justin Vaisse is not yet a household name but this young man may go far. Of North African background, he has taught at Sciences Po in Paris and been a speechwriter for the French Minister of Defence. Currently at Washington's Brookings Institution, he is the leading French expert on — and the nemesis of — the neoconservatives. The fact that he is spending time in America may not necessarily affect his political prospects. After all, Georges Clemenceau did the same. Of late, he has discovered and given publicity to what he calls a new genre in American literature: Eurabia. Among the chief protagonists in this new genre he mentions above all Bernard Lewis, the greatest Orientalist of our time, and Bat Ye'or, who popularised the term "Eurabia" to warn against the Islamicisation of Europe. In view of the homeric struggle between the two sides — Lewis has been accused of appeasement, if not worse, by the other side — it seems somewhat far-fetched to find a common denominator for them, but Vaisse is a resourceful man. [...]

Ver artigo de Walter Laqueur no Standpoint

29 junho, 2010

A Catalunha pode designar-se como ‘nação‘, segundo decisão do supremo tribunal espanhol

The Constitutional Court in Madrid has upheld most of a charter granting sweeping new powers of self-rule to the wealthy Catalonia region defying conservatives who feared it would lead to the break-up of Spain as a unified state.

But it stopped short of approving some of the most controversial points, including the recognition of Catalan as the "preferred language", a move which has led politicians in the region to call mass protests.

The decision, delivered on Monday evening, opened a "crisis of state" because it "ignores the will of the Catalan citizens," said Ernest Benach, president of the regional Parliament.

Catalan parliamentary parties, trades union and social organisations have called for mobilisation across the region with street demonstrations planned for July 10. [...]

Ver notícia no Telegraph

28 junho, 2010

Diversidade étnica na escola tem efeito negativo sobre a aprendizagem

Fifteen-year-old pupils from schools with high ethnic diversity perform worse than comparable pupils from schools with homogenous student populations. This applies not just to the immigrant children, but also to the pupils from the country in question. For the latter group, the negative effect is strongest in school systems with a hierarchy of school types, such as the Dutch and German systems. What’s more, the number and origin of the immigrant pupils also plays an important role. Having a higher proportion of pupils from Islamic countries at a given school negatively influences the performance of all pupils at that school. But in contrast, a higher share of pupils from South and East Asia has a positive effect. This is just one of Jaap Dronkers’s conclusions from his empirical research using international PISA data, which he discusses in his inaugural lecture. [...]

Ver notícia na Universidade de Maastricht

23 junho, 2010

Senado espanhol aprova proibição da burka nos espaços públicos

El Pleno del Senado ha dado hoy luz verde a la prohibición del «burka» en los espacios públicos con 131 votos a favor, 129 en contra y ninguna abstención.
La moción presentada por el PP sale adelante gracias al apoyo a última hora de CiU, que ayer decidió sumarse a la iniciativa. En la tarde de ayer, CiU firmó una enmienda de sustitución promovida por el PSOE que recibió el apoyo de todos los grupos de la Cámara a excepción del PP.
En ella se instaba al Ejecutivo a utilizar el ordenamiento jurídico para "dar una respuesta adecuada" a la cuestión del velo integral y promover la educación, la sensibilización y la relación con las comunidades musulmanas en este ámbito. [...]

Ver notícia no ABC

20 junho, 2010

Uma equipa dinamarquesa à qual falta colorido

Le Danemark concourt avec une équipe nordique banale et bien organisée, sans plus. L'Allemagne, en revanche, montre une nouvelle génération fantastique de joueurs, pleine de talent. Et les deux équipes reflètent la situation politique de leurs pays respectifs. Car même si certains d'entre nous peuvent éprouver une certaine sympathie pour la lutte des Danois contre l'expertocratie, il est indéniable que le Danemark a connu une vague de xénophobie déplaisante au cours des années 2000. Une grande partie de la société danoise a en effet la conviction provinciale et mesquine que les Arabes et les musulmans sont tout simplement incapables de s'intégrer. Une attitude aussi défensive que fataliste. [...]

Ver notícia no Courrier International

14 junho, 2010

Vitória esmagadora dos independentistas flamengos na Bélgica

Un "tremblement de terre". Un résultat "historique". Même si elle était attendue, la victoire des nationalistes flamands de la N-VA [Nouvelle Alliance flamande] a provoqué des réactions à la mesure de son importance. D'autant qu'elle s'avère plus nette encore dans les chiffres que dans les sondages : près d'un électeur flamand sur trois a voté pour la N-VA. Du côté francophone, le PS [Parti socialiste] remporte une victoire d'une mesure similaire, s'imposant comme valeur refuge face aux craintes liées à la réforme de l'Etat et, surtout, à la crise socio-économique. Voici les grandes tendances – limpides – de ce scrutin. Et les perspectives qui, elles, sont loin de l'être. [...]

Ver notícia no Courrrier International

09 junho, 2010

Líder de uma comunidade muçulmana britânica inventa estória de rapto pelo BNP

The 36 year-old falsely claimed he was abducted at knifepoint by racist thugs from the far-right wing political party after being subjected to hate mail and an arson attack, Chelmsford Crown Court was told.

He had told police he had feared for his life when he was kidnapped in broad daylight from his home in Loughton, Essex on August 24 last year and bundled into a car, it was claimed.

Ramjanally then claimed he was driven to nearby Epping Forest where he was threatened and warned to stop holding prayer sessions he had organised.

But he was caught out lying after detectives viewed CTTV footage from secret cameras installed to protect him after his previous claims that he was being targeted by racist opponents, prosecutors said.

The court heard that at the time of his alleged abduction he was actually “wandering around Homebase". [...]

Ver notícia no Telegraph

08 junho, 2010

Prisioneiros convertem-se ao Islão para obter benefícios

Inmates are converting to Islam in order to gain perks and the protection of powerful Muslim gangs, the Chief Inspector of Prisons warns today.

Dame Anne Owers says that some convicted criminals are taking up the religion in jail to receive benefits only available to practising Muslims.

The number of Muslim prisoners has risen dramatically since the mid-1990s — from 2,513 in 1994, or 5 per cent of the population, to 9,795 in 2008, or 11 per cent. Staff at top-security prisons and youth jails have raised concerns about the intimidation of non-Muslims and possible forced conversions. [...]

Ver notícia no Times

05 junho, 2010

A deriva radical da Turquia

So the Prime Minister of Turkey calls Israel "a festering boil in the Middle East that spreads hate and enmity," while his foreign minister compares Monday's Israeli naval raid on a flotilla of ships headed for the Gaza Strip, in which nine passengers were killed, to the attacks of September 11, 2001. For good measure, the Turks have also wagged their finger at the Obama Administration for not immediately denouncing Israel's actions.

Yet the more facts that come to light about the flotilla, its passengers and their sponsors, the more it seems clear that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Ergodan's government, far more so than Israel's, must be held to account for Monday's violent episode. Maybe that's something the U.N. Human Rights Council, which on Wednesday condemned Israel for an "outrageous attack" and voted 32-3 to set up a "fact-finding mission" (with the U.S. in opposition), might get around to investigating, though we wouldn't hold our breath. [...]

Ver notícia no Wall Street Journal

29 maio, 2010

‘Facebook para muçulmanos‘ lançado no Paquistão

Resourceful IT experts in Pakistan have launched their own version of the social networking site Facebook after the real thing was blocked for showing 'blasphemous' images of the Prophet Mohammed.
MillatFacebook, meaning Nation Facebook in Urdu, was launched on Wednesday and has already attracted some 8,000 users.
Omar Zaheer Meer, one of the six web developers, said their aim was to offer an alternative to Facebook which condemned the contest encouraging users to submit images of the Prophet Mohammed.
Millat Facebook also promises stronger privacy settings than its US counterpart.

Ver notícia no Daily Mail

26 maio, 2010

Turco que vivia em bigamia perde a nacionalidade suíça

Pendant vingt-six ans, il aura réussi à tromper sa femme… et les autorités helvétiques. Un Turc qui avait obtenu la nationalité suisse par mariage a été sommé par le tribunal administratif fédéral de rendre son passeport rouge à croix blanche parce qu'il entretenait parallèlement une relation maritale dans son pays d'origine. L'homme, qui a été marié durant vingt-six ans avec une Suissesse -dont il a eu une fille-, menait une double vie. Il se rendait souvent en Turquie, auprès d'une compatriote avec laquelle il avait deux enfants.

En 2003, il avait obtenu la naturalisation, facilitée par son mariage. Son épouse suisse, dont il a entre-temps divorcé pour se marier avec sa compagne turque, n'avait d'abord rien su de cette union parallèle. Elle s'y serait finalement résolue, a-t-elle expliqué, dans l'intérêt de sa fille. [...]

Ver notícia no Figaro

20 maio, 2010

Dia da caricatura de Maomé no Facebook provoca ira do Paquistão

Double peine au Pakistan pour les réseaux sociaux. Après Facebook, qu’un tribunal a fait bloquer jusqu’au 31 mai, les autorités ont décidé, ce jeudi, d’interdire l’accès à YouTube.

Les deux plus importantes plateformes sociales bloquées en deux jours ? L’offensive pakistanaise est inédite. Islamabad justifie son tour de vis par l’apparition sur Facebook et YouTube d’un concours de caricatures de Mahomet, une compétition qu'Islamabad a même officiellement condamné.

En effet, une poignée de personnes, sous l’impulsion d’une internaute répondant au pseudonymeMimi Sulpovar, ont décidé que ce jeudi serait le "EverybodyDrawMohammeDay" ("Journée durant laquelle tout le monde dessine Mahomet") sur Facebook. Lancée il y a quelques semaines, cette initiative a profité d’un effet viral grandissant. À tel point qu’au-delà des traditionnels groupes Facebook, un blog a été mis en ligne pour promouvoir l’initiative. [...]

Ver notícia na France 24

17 maio, 2010

Plano de construir mesquita no ‘ground zero‘ irrita nova iorquinos

Supporters of the project say the planned multi-storey Islamic centre would transform both the drab lower Manhattan street and the way Americans have interacted with Muslims since nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks on September 11, 2001.

Boasting a mosque with sports facilities, a theatre and possibly day care, the centre would be open to all visitors to demonstrate that Muslims are part of their community, not some separate element.

But because of the proposed mosque's location, just around the corner from the gaping Ground Zero hole, the plan has upset some locals.

"The outrage continues," says website www.nomosquesatgroundzero.wordpress.com under a close-up of the collapsing Twin Towers.

Ver notícia no Telegraph

16 maio, 2010

Suécia: Casa do cartoonista Lars Vilks incendiada

Solamente unos días después del ataque que sufrió el periodista y dibujante Lars Vilks en la Universidad de Uppsala mientras daba una conferencia, unos desconocidos prendieron fuego a su actual domicilio, un chalet en Nynäshamnläge, provincia de Skåne en el sur de Suecia, donde Vilks se escondía desde hace algún tiempo.

A las 11.00 de esta mañana del sábado, un vecino avisó al caricaturista de que «alguien» había provocado un incendio en su casa rompiendo las ventanas y echando al interior botellas de plástico con gasolina. Los bomberos y la Policía acudieron con urgencia a aquel lugar y pudieron apagar el fuego antes de que se propagara por todo el chalet. Por su parte Vilks, 63 años, tuvo la suerte de no encontrarse allí cuando se produjo el incendio.

Hoy tras este nuevo atentado contra su vida, el dibujante vuelve a desaparecer bajo tierra [...]

Ver notícia no jornal ABC

13 maio, 2010

O fracassso do modelo sueco de integração

Théâtre de récents affrontements entre des jeunes immigrés et la police, les quartiers populaires de Malmö témoignent de la difficulté à intégrer une population qui semble refuser le modèle scandinave et s’enferme dans ce qui est déjà qualifié de "ghetto de la nouvelle Suède multiethnique" [...]

09 maio, 2010

A língua no centro de uma divisão que está a despedaçar a Bélgica

Twenty minutes north of Brussels, in Belgium's medieval royal seat of Mechelen, there's a science playground, just the place for the kids on a boring, wet Sunday afternoon.

Technopolis is stuffed with interactive gadgets and games, making education fun. There is also another message. When entering the complex, the paving stones are inscribed with a simple, direct statement. The message is in Dutch only, the language of Flanders, the bigger northern half of the country. You are told the size of Flanders in square kilometres and its population density.

There is no mention of Belgium. That does not exist. You are in a country called Flanders. That does not exist either, but if many of the politicians running this divided society get their way it is only a matter of time. [...]

Ver notícia no Guardian

04 maio, 2010

Americano de origem paquistanesa preso por suspeita de tentativa de explosão de carro na Times Square

Federal agents and police detectives arrested a Connecticut man, a naturalized United States citizen from Pakistan, shortly before midnight Monday for driving a car bomb into Times Square on Saturday evening in what turned out to be an unsuccessful attack, Justice Department officials announced.

The man, Faisal Shahzad, 30, was believed to have recently bought the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder that was found loaded with gasoline, propane, fireworks and fertilizer in the heart of Times Square, a person briefed on the investigation said.[...]

Ver notícia no New York Times

29 abril, 2010

A interdição do porte da burqua no espaço público votado pelo parlamento belga

La Chambre a adopté jeudi à l'unanimité moins deux abstentions (du sp.a) une proposition de loi visant à interdire le port de vêtements qui empêchent l'identification d'une personne dans l'espace public. Visant particulièrement la burqa, cette proposition émane de la majorité, à l'initiative du MR.

Elle ne sortira toutefois ses effets que le jour où elle aura parcouru tout le parcours parlementaire.

Le Sénat dispose maintenant d'un délai de quinze jours pour évoquer la proposition.

Ensuite s'offre à lui un nouveau délai (renouvelable) de 60 jours pour éventuellement l'amender.

Or, l'imminence de la dissolution des assemblées entraînera la caducité de la proposition votée à la Chambre.

Dans ce cas, le texte pourra être relevé de caducité lors de la prochaine législature.

La chef de groupe Ecolo à la Chambre, Muriel Gerkens, a indiqué jeudi que ses collègues au Sénat entendaient obtenir l'évocation de la proposition afin que le Conseil d'Etat puisse être saisi d'un avis.

Ver notícia no Libre Belgique

28 abril, 2010

Debate sobre liberdade de expressão cancelado na Universidade sueca de Jönköping por razões de segurança

A debate about freedom of speech at Jönköping University has been cancelled due to security concerns. The reason is that the artist Lars Vilks would participate. Vilks made a couple of years ago a sculpture of the Prophet Mohammed as a roundabout dog which has made some people direct threats against him

Ver notícia no Stockolm News

24 abril, 2010

As ONG de direitos humanos apoiam Najwa no uso do véu islâmico

La causa de Najwa Malha, la adolescente de 16 años vetada en un instituto de Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) por asistir a clase con hiyab (pañuelo islámico), sumó ayer el apoyo de varias ONG internacionales de derechos humanos.

Amnistía Internacional afirmó en un manifiesto que “todas las personas tienen derecho a decidir si usar o no indumentaria o símbolos religiosos, y que deben tomar esa decisión sin sufrir discriminación”. La Liga Española Pro Derechos Humanos también emitió un comunicado en “apoyo a Najwa Malha en su lucha por su derecho a la libertad religiosa”. “Es inadmisible la actitud de la dirección del establecimiento, que persiste en aplicar un reglamento interno anticonstitucional”, continúa esta ONG. [...]

Ver notícia no Publico.es

23 abril, 2010

Episódio sobre Maomé de South Park censurado

South Park is not known as a show that shies away from controversy, but last night its creators appeared to bow to threats of violence from a US Muslim group by censoring a typically irreverent episode about religious leaders, including Muhammad.

Wednesday night's show was labelled with the word "Censored" after the words Prophet Muhammad were beeped out during broadcast and images of the prophet in a bear outfit were substituted with ones of Santa Claus in the same costume.

But whether the changes were intended to acquiesce to the threats, or make fun of them, was not immediately clear. In the first part of the 200th episode screened last week, Muhammad appeared several times inside a bear suit, while the leaders of other religions were also depicted irreverently, including a scene which showed Buddha snorting drugs.

Before last night's show was aired, Islamists warned its creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, they could face severe retribution for repeating the depiction of Muhammad in costume. [...]

Ver notícia no Guardian

Casamento Homossexual: Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa vai analisar enunciado polémico

O Conselho Pedagógico da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa deverá apreciar na próxima semana o enunciado de um exame, relativo ao casamento homossexual, que alguns alunos afirmam ser uma "provocação discriminatória e ridícula".

Na prova de Direito Constitucional II, o regente da cadeira, Paulo Otero, propôs um enunciado segundo o qual a Assembleia da República aprovou um diploma que permite o casamento poligâmico entre seres humanos e entre humanos e animais vertebrados domésticos, como "um complemento à lei sobre o casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo".

Depois, foi pedido aos estudantes que apresentassem argumentos para defender tanto a constitucionalidade como a inconstitucionalidade do documento. [...]

Ver notícia no Público

21 abril, 2010

Muçulmanos avisam criadores de South Park após piada sobre Maomé

A US Muslim website has warned the creators of South Park they face death after once again depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammed in an episode last week.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone celebrated the 200th episode of South Park with a storyline in which the actor Tom Cruise launches a class lawsuit against the animation’s townsfolk, uniting every celebrity that has ever been insulted by the cartoon.

During the episode, Cruise agrees not to pursue his lawsuit if the South Park characters can hand Mohammed over to him. It transpires Cruise and the other celebrities, who include Bono, the Pope, Mel Gibson, and George Lucas leading a ball-gagged Harrison Ford on a leash, only want Mohammed for his "goo", which they believe will lend them invulnerability to public ridicule. Mohammed eventually appears, but dressed in a bear suit. [...]

20 abril, 2010

Em 20 anos o Islão será maioritário Bruxelas?

En plein essor démographique, la capitale de la Belgique est déjà l'une des villes les plus multiculturelles d'Europe. Les courants musulmans sont déjà majoritaires dans certains quartiers. Et pourraient se renforcer dans les vingt années à venir. Pour quel futur ensemble ? Notre enquête. [...].

Ver artigo no Le Vif/L´Express

16 abril, 2010

Marco Polo era um ‘islamófobo‘?

If the same exact criticisms being made against Islam today were also made centuries ago, is it reasonable to automatically dismiss them all as “Islamophobic” — that is, as “unfounded fear of and hostility towards Islam,” as the Council on American Islamic Relations would have it?

This is the question I often ask myself whenever I read pre-modern writings on Islam. Take that elementary schoolbook hero, Marco Polo and his famous memoirs, for example. By today’s standards, the 13th century Venetian merchant would be denounced as a rabid “Islamophobe.” For me, however, his writings contain a far more important lesson — one in continuity — and deserve closer scrutiny [...].

Ver artigo no Pajamas Media

12 abril, 2010

Trabalhistas pretendem obrigar trabalhadores estrangeiros a falar inglês

All public sector workers will be expected to speak English and failing police chiefs will be easier to sack, under manifesto pledges to be announced by Gordon Brown today.

The Prime Minister hopes to convince voters that he understands their concerns and has the energy and ideas to drive through improvements to services in an era of sharp spending cuts.

Under the Labour proposals, residents could trigger takeovers of individual police divisions within a year, with chief constables facing the sack if they fail to meet minimum standards after three years, The Times has been told. [...]

Ver notícia no Times

07 abril, 2010

Enfermeira proibida de usar crucifixo no local de trabalho pelo tribunal

The nurse at the centre of a growing storm over discrimination against Christians yesterday lost her fight to wear a crucifix at work. Shirley Chaplin, 54, was told by an employment tribunal that wearing the cross is not a 'mandatory requirement' of her faith.

She had been taken off hospital wards and moved to a desk job after refusing to remove the religious symbol. Yesterday the grandmother lost her religious discrimination case against the hospital trust that employed her. She described the result as 'a very bad day for Christianity'.

Seven bishops had supported her battle against the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, who said the inch-long crucifix and chain to which it was attached raised health and safety concerns. The Archbishop of Canterbury referred to 'wooden-headed bureaucratic silliness' when highlighting her battle in his Easter sermon.

Ver notícia no Daily Mail

04 abril, 2010

Católicos vêem na oração compartilhada tentativas de ‘apoderar-se da catedral‘ de Córdoba

El altercado protagonizado por más de un centenar de musulmanes con nacionalidad austriaca en la Mezquita Catedral el pasado Miércoles Santo cuando intentaban orar con un imán y fueron desalojados ha dejado aún más claro a las asociaciones cristianas cordobesas que no hay que permitir el rezo compartido en este templo católico.

El primero en lamentar lo sucedido ha sido el presidente de la Asociación Presencia Cristiana, Miguel Ángel Parra, quien subrayó el hecho de que el grupo de musulmanes fuera armado. En este sentido, Parra dijo que ésto demuestra una «premeditación clara» por pensar que pudiera haber pelea. Como en otras ocasiones, Presencia Cristiana recuerda que la Catedral es «la Catedral de Córdoba y que es para su culto». La antigüedad como catedral cristiana, ahondó Parra, «es superior a la de época musulmana». Y les hizo recordar que hace 800 años que la Mezquita Catedral es cristiana y después de 500 de ocupación musulmana, fue 300 años atrás basílica visigoda. Por este motivo, dijo, «no entendemos la petición de culto compartido, ya que el número de mezquitas en la ciudad es suficiente para los musulmanes que residen en la ciudad y de otro lado, no entra dentro del rito musulmán el rezar en un lugar compartido por otras creencias». [...]

Ver notícia no ABC

01 abril, 2010

Gordon Brown: ‘os imigrantes devem honrar os valores britânicos‘

Gordon Brown said immigrants who are unwilling to honour British values are not welcome yesterday, as he pledged to do more to meet the concerns of the “mainstream majority”.

Mr Brown said he agreed that it was unfair if newcomers took advantage of Britain’s freedoms without making a fair contribution in return. But his attempt to deal with strong voter concerns over immigration was undermined when he was criticised by a watchdog for exaggerating the fall in migrant numbers.

Sir Michael Scholar, the chairman of the UK Statistics Authority, said that the Prime Minister had used figures in his weekend podcast that were “not comparable” when he claimed that there had been a big fall in net inward migration — the number of people allowed into Britain minus those leaving. [...]

Ver notícia no Times

Grave incidente na mesquita de Córdova provocado por uma oração organizada por turístas muçulmanos

A Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba fue ayer el escenario de un enfrentamiento violento entre vigilantes, policías y turistas musulmanes que trataron de rezar en el interior del templo. De este modo, la polémica sobre la posibilidad de convertir el recinto en ecuménico ha experimentado un nuevo incidente protagonizado, según destacaron fuentes de la Policía Nacional, por algunos visitantes austríacos.

El Obispado de Córdoba informó a este periódico en un comunicado de que el grupo estaba compuesto por un total de 118 turistas extranjeros "que provocaron de manera organizada un reprobable episodio de violencia". Según informó la Policía Nacional, este incidente, en el que también intervino la Policía Local, finalizó con dos personas detenidas y una de ellas era una mujer. [...]

Ver notícia no Diário de Córdoba

31 março, 2010

A principal organização muçulmana da Indonésia radicaliza-se

Depuis la mort, le 31 décembre, de son dirigeant ultralibéral Abdurrahman Wahid, le Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), la plus grande organisation musulmane d'Indonésie, de tradition soufie, affiche des positions de plus en plus conservatrices, voire proches du wahhabisme, lit-on dans le Jakarta Post. Ses juristes, rassemblés à Makassar (Célèbes), viennent ainsi de déclarer que la charia ne fixait aucun âge minimum au mariage, même s'ils ont fortement recommandé aux parents d'attendre que leurs enfants soient pubères pour les autoriser à convoler. Ils ont également prononcé une interdiction d'inhumer un musulman dans une tombe au côté d'un non-musulman, même si les deux défunts avaient des liens de parenté, tandis que des oulémas du NU ont joint leurs voix à celles de mouvements radicaux pour faire annuler la tenue du IVe congrès asiatique de l'Association des lesbiennes, des gays et des transexuels (ILGA) à Surabaya. Enfin, les tenants du courant libéral au sein du Nahdlatul Ulama n'ont tout simplement pas eu le droit de se présenter à la présidence de l'organisation. [...]

Ver notícia no Courrier International

A batalha contra a mesquita de Varsóvia

Though police and media almost outnumbered the protestors, the demonstrations – three different ones in all – were noisy but peaceful. Chants of “Down with Jihad” and “Freedom for women” by the anti-mosque protestors mingled with “Stop Islamophobia” from the pro-mosque group led by members of Poland’s extra-parliamentary leftwing. A third group from the far-right All-Polish Youth stood to one side, their green flags fluttering in a bitter wind.

The anti-mosque demonstration was organized by the Future of Europe foundation, who fear the Islamisation of the continent. They claim that the group which will control the mosque, the Polish Muslim League, has possible links to the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood. [...]

Ver notícia no TheNews.pl

29 março, 2010

Erdoğan e Merkel em conflito antes da visita da chancelerina à Turquia

Chancellor Angel Merkel and Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan have traded barbs ahead of the German leader’s state visit today to Turkey.

Ahead of her first visit to Ankara in four years, Dr Merkel called on the three million Turkish nationals living in Germany to make a greater effort to integrate into their adoptive home.

Meanwhile, Mr Erdogan denied in an interview with Der Spiegel magazine that the 1915 massacre of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire was genocide.

Despite close business and cultural ties, Dr Merkel’s visit is unlikely to take the edge off bilateral relations burdened by Turkey’s ambition to achieve full EU membership. [...]

Ver notícia no Irish Times

Dubai: britânico arrisca prisão por gesto com o dedo considerado obsceno

Simon Andrews, 56, has had his passport confiscated for almost eight months while waiting for his case to be heard.
He told Dubai Court of Misdemeanours he denies "flipping the finger" at Mahmoud Rasheed, an Iraqi aviation student, during an argument.

He will appear in court on Sunday for a full hearing of the case.
It is the latest in a string of prosecutions of expatriates and visitors in Dubai for breaching the emirate's public decency laws.
Making insulting gestures is regarded as unacceptable, and carries with it the possibility of a jail sentence of up to six months and deportation. [...]

Ver notícia no Telegraph

28 março, 2010

Deputado belga lança aviso contra a homofobia crescente dos meios extremistas muçulmanos

Le député sp.a Bruno Tuybens a mis en garde dimanche contre l'homophobie croissante des milieux musulmans fondamentalistes. Il estime que la police devrait consacrer davantage d'attention à ce phénomène et à sa prévention.

Selon l'ancien ministre, de plus en plus de sites web islamistes diffusent des propos inacceptables à propos de l'homophilie. Si l'enseignement a un rôle à jouer pour promouvoir la diversité sexuelle, il en va de même de la police, qui ne doit pas agir seulement de façon répressive mais aussi préventive, estime-t-il. [...]

Ver notícia em La Libre Belgique

27 março, 2010

Bispos pedem o fiz da perseguição aos cristãos no Reino Unido

Six prominent bishops and Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, describe the "discrimination" against churchgoers as "unacceptable in a civilised society".

In a thinly-veiled attack on Labour, they claim that traditional beliefs on issues such as marriage are no longer being upheld and call on the major parties to address the issue in the run-up to the general election.

In a letter to The Sunday Telegraph, the bishops express their deep disquiet at the double standards of public sector employers, claiming that Christians are punished while followers of other faiths are treated far more sensitively. [...]

Ver notícia no Telegraph

Casal cristão em litígio com hóspede muçulmana diz-se forçado a vender hotel para pagar dívidas

The two Christian hoteliers cleared last year of insulting a Muslim guest are being forced to sell up because their business has collapsed.

Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang are putting their nine-bedroom hotel up for auction in May because they can no longer pay the mortgage.

Despite donations sent to them by Christian supporters from around the world, they still have debts of well over £400,000.

They are also considering a civil action against the police who brought the prosecution.

Mrs Vogelenzang, 54, said last night it was 'devastating' that they could be left with nothing as the result of a case that should never have come to court. [...]

Ver notícia no Daily Mail

Agricultor sueco repreendido por violar o bem-estar dos animais

A farmer in southern Sweden has been reprimanded by animal welfare authorities for the severe neglect of more than 100 animals.

Animal welfare inspectors discovered more than 100 neglected rabbits, several horses and livestock on a farm in Sjöbo in southern Sweden.

Authorities found overcrowded and dirty rabbit cages with insufficient hay and water. Horses and cows were confined in dirty and wet stalls. Several dead rabbits were found on the dungheap and the remains of two horses were left out in the open. [...]

Ver notícia no The Local

26 março, 2010

O Conselho dos Direitos do Homem das Nações Unidas condena a islamofobia

Une résolution sur la diffamation des religions contenant un paragraphe sur l’interdiction des minarets a été adoptée à une très courte majorité jeudi à Genève

Une résolution contre la diffamation des religions, présentée par l’Organisation de la conférence islamique (OCI) à l’initiative du Pakistan, a été adoptée jeudi à une très courte majorité au sein du Conseil des droits de l’homme à Genève. Les pays de l’OCI et du groupe africain ont voté pour (20 voix), l’Union européenne, les Etats-Unis et certains pays latino-américains contre (17 voix) et il y a eu 8 abstentions. Un paragraphe du texte se réfère à l’interdiction des minarets comme l’une des manifestations de l’islamophobie qu’il condamne.

Ver notícia no Le Temps

Cidade do Texas contra peça que representa Jesus Cristo 'gay' na Universidade Estadual de Tarleton

Residents of Stephenville, Texas, say they're furious that a local university will allow the performance of a play in which a gay Jesus shares a kiss with Judas and marries two apostles in a same-sex ceremony.

A college student's production of a play in which Jesus is portrayed as the "King of Queers" has outraged residents in a Texas town that fancies itself the Cowboy Capital of the World.

Just in time for Easter, Tarleton State University is playing host to a student performance of Terrence McNally's 1998 play, "Corpus Christi," which depicts a gay Jesus performing a same-sex wedding for two of his apostles. [...]

Ver notícia na Fox News

25 março, 2010

Iman que defende a execução de gays convidado para conferência na Suécia

An organisation for young Muslims in Sweden has outraged the country's largest gay rights group by inviting an imam in favour of executing homosexuals to speak at its April conference.

US-born preacher Sheikh Abdullah Hakim Quick, who has described Jews as "filthy" and advocates the execution of homosexuals, is scheduled to speak at the Sveriges Unga Muslimer ('Sweden's Young Muslims') conference this Easter weekend.

The Muslim group has claimed it was unaware of Hakim Quick's extreme views when the booking was made but said it would not remove him from the roster as this would disrupt the conference schedule. [...]

Ver notícia no The Local

O Quebeque vai banir o uso da burqa às utentes de serviços públicos

Quebec will refuse all government services, including education and non-emergency health care, to fully veiled Muslim women under legislation tabled on Wednesday in the National Assembly.

Jean Charest, the Liberal Premier, said the bill establishing guidelines for the accommodation of religious minorities is aimed at "drawing a line" to demonstrate that gender equality is a paramount Quebec value.

"If you are someone employed by the state and you deliver a service, you will deliver it with your face uncovered," he told reporters in Quebec City. "If you are a citizen who receives services, you will receive them with your face uncovered." [...]

Homem de Toronto com ligações à al-Qaeda era autor de blogue extremista

A Toronto man whose reported death in Somalia has sparked fears that the militant Al-Shabab is recruiting Canadians was the author of a blog that posted the extremist propaganda of radical cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki.

The blog, called The Gardens of Paradise, features letters by two of the Toronto 18 terror suspects, an al-Qaeda propaganda video that calls fighting "obligatory" for Muslims and several of Al-Awlaki's video and audio statements.

The author of the blog is identified only by his online name, "Shadows15," but a posting on an extremist Internet forum indicates it was the blog of Mohamed Elmi Ibrahim and an official source confirmed that was correct.

Mr. Ibrahim, a University of Toronto student, maintained the blog for almost two years until May 2009. He left Canada later that year. Canadian authorities have been investigating suspicions he traveled to Somali to join the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabab. [...]

Ver notícia no National Post

24 março, 2010

Iémen: a longa campanha contra as crianças-esposas

A Sana'a, une manifestation en cache une autre. Dimanche et mardi, opposants et défenseurs du mariage précoce des filles ont, tour à tour, défilé devant le parlement yéménite.

Au cœur de la controverse : une loi, votée en février 2009, sous la pression des associations féministes, qui fixe l'âge minimum du mariage à 17 ans pour les femmes (contre 15 ans à l'heure actuelle). Avec, à l'appui, une pénalité d'environ 350 euros aux familles qui dérogent à la règle. D'abord abrogée, cette loi est actuellement soumise à la révision du comité constitutionnel, sur demande des ultras conservateurs, qui l'accusent d'être à l'encontre des « préceptes religieux ». [...]

Ver notícia no Figaro

Caminho para a xenofobia adiado por abertura de portas de uma mesquita na Alemanha

Everything seemed to be in place for a protracted xenophobic row and attendant media frenzy in this depressed industrial town near the French border.

A Muslim congregation applied in November to build a minaret and three golden cupolas on the roof of the old movie theater it had converted into a mosque. The far-right party here in the state of Saarland, emboldened by last year’s ban on minarets in Switzerland, seized on the issue, calling the proposed 28-foot minaret “the bayonet of Islam.” [...]

Ver notícia no New York Times

23 março, 2010

A quota de homens da Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom's chief human resources officer had long wanted to increase the percentage of female employees. He says the company's decision to introduce a 30-percent quota for women in management isn't just about Telekom's reputation, but about ensuring that it gets and promotes the best-qualified people. [...]

Ver notícia no Der Spiegel.

Peace Village, enclave islâmico no Canadá

À une cinquantaine de kilomètres au nord de Toronto, des musulmans ahmadis bâtissent leur ville depuis dix ans, à l'écart des banlieues traditionnelles.

L'appel à la prière tombe sur Peace Village, terre d'islam en plein Canada. Les 3 000 habitants y sont tous musulmans. Des Pakistanais pour la plupart, mais aussi des Bengalis ou des Nigériens. Comme tous les vendredis, à 13h30 tapantes, la foi transporte ce petit peuple voilé ou moustachu de l'avenue Abdus Salam vers une immense mosquée blanche. Les dômes d'acier de Bait'ul Al Islam dominent l'horizon. Des croyantes, vêtues du niqab noir ou de voiles aux couleurs chatoyantes, se pressent vers la mosquée. Journaux en ourdou sous le bras, les hommes vêtus du ­salwar kameez, longue chemise traditionnelle pakistanaise, entrent par une porte séparée. La mosquée fait salle comble. Un millier de fidèles se tourne vers La Mecque. [...]

Ver notícia no jornal Figaro

Baile de finalistas de uma estudante lésbica no Mississipi acaba em tribunal

Dealing with a lesbian in their midst has proved a challenge too far for school officials in rural Itawamba County, Mississippi.

When e-mails poured in from around the world branding them “hillbilly idiots” for barring her from wearing a tuxedo to the school prom and slow-dancing with her girlfriend, they realised that they had an even bigger problem on their hands.

Yesterday, clutching documents and accompanied by lawyers, they went before a federal judge to defend their handling of the Constance McMillen case, telling how, in denying the teenager the right to dress up and take her same-sex sweetheart to the dance, they had brought a deluge of criticism on their community of 3,882 people. [...]

Ver notícia no Times

21 março, 2010

Casamento: um direito inalienável?

In a ruling last week, the European Court of Justice ruled the income requirement for Dutch residents to bring their partners from abroad was a clear violation of European laws for family reunification.

Since 2004, anybody who wants to bring his or her partner to live in the Netherlands needs to earn at least 120 percent of the minimum wage. This condition effectively makes it impossible for people on welfare to marry a foreigner and live together in the Netherlands, but also excludes students and those working part-time [...].

Ver notícia no NRC Handelsblad

20 março, 2010

Aumento do casamento entre primos nos imigrantes muçulmanos ‘está a colocar a saúde das crianças em risco’

The dangers of marriage between first cousins are to be highlighted by a leading professor, with a warning that their children are at risk of genetic defects.

Baroness Deech, a family law professor and crossbencher, will call next week for a “vigorous” public campaign to deter the practice, which is prevalent in Muslim and immigrant communities and on the rise. She will reignite a debate started five years ago when Ann Cryer, MP for Keighley, drew attention to the number of disabled babies being born in the town and called for cousin marriage to be stopped.

Fifty-five per cent of British Pakistanis are married to first cousins and in Bradford the figure is 75 per cent. British Pakistanis represent 3 per cent of all births in Britain but one third of children with recessive disorders. [...]

Ver notícia no Times

19 março, 2010

Soldados gay holandeses responsáveis pelo massacre de Srebrenica, segundo general norte-americano

The Dutch government condemned the comments by Gen John Sheehan, a former Nato commander and senior marine officer, as outrageous.

Gen Sheehan made the remarks at a Senate hearing where he argued against plans by President Barack Obama to end a ban on allowing gays to serve openly in the US military.

Gen Sheehan said that after the end of the Cold War, European militaries changed and concluded "there was no longer a need for an active combat capability."

He said this process included "open homosexuality" which resulted in "a focus on peacekeeping operations because they did not believe the Germans were going to attack again or the Soviets were coming back.

Ver notícia no jornal Telegraph

18 março, 2010

Quotas ilusórias para as mulheres na Índia

Le projet de loi sur les quotas de femmes [voté par la Chambre haute le 9 mars, la Women’s Reservation Bill réserve un tiers des sièges de députés aux femmes, au niveau fédéral et régional] est le premier texte en faveur des femmes à se heurter à une forte opposition des députés. Son adoption risque en effet d’affecter le destin de tous les hommes politiques indiens. Si la Chambre basse [Lok Sabha] décide de voter à bulletins secrets [et non à main levée, comme ce fut le cas à la Chambre haute], Mme Gandhi, présidente du Parti du Congrès, et les dirigeants du BJP (parti nationaliste indien), qui ont donné comme con­signe l’approbation du texte, découvriront à quel point les députés de leur propre parti lui sont hostiles. [...]

Ver notícia no Courrier International

‘Criminosos marroquinos‘ podem ser juventude frustrada

In no time at all, “criminal Moroccans” has become commonplace terminology. Last week, the Dutch national police force issued a report on “Moroccan perpetrator populations” in Dutch municipalities. The report included new measures quantifying the Moroccan problem in several Dutch cities, including the local “Moroccan strain” and “problem hierarchy”.

The study was intended to give the Dutch government a fair method of distributing extra funds between municipalities. As it turns out, the city of Gouda leads the pack when it comes to these new crime statistics. One out of three perpetrators here is Moroccan, corresponding to 0.55 percent of Gouda’s entire population. [...].

Ver a notícia no NRC Handelsblad

A Turquia ameaça deportar imigrantes arménios

Le premier ministre turc a prévenu qu'il pourrait déporter jusqu'à 100 000 Arméniens vivant en Turquie sans citoyenneté, après que les législateurs américains et suédois aient adopté des résolutions qualifiant les massacres d'Arméniens par les Turcs ottomans au moment de la Première guerre mondiale de génocide. [...]

Ver a notícia no EurActiv

Actrizes brancas britânicas objecto de campanha para abandonar Bollywood na Índia

Stars including Alice Patten, the daughter of Lord Patten of Barnes, and Hazel Crowney, a former model from Kent, have been accused of stealing jobs from local girls.

Raj Thackeray's Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), a Mumbai nationalist street gang and political party which inspires terror throughout the city, has called on foreign white actresses to go home [...].

Ver notícia no Telegraph

17 março, 2010

Treze cristãos massacrados perto da cidade de Jos na Nigéria

Treize personnes, dont des femmes et des enfants, ont été tuées la nuit dernière dans l'attaque d'un village près de Jos, dans le centre de Nigeria, théâtre de violences récurrentes entre chrétiens et musulmans, rapporte la radio d'Etat mercredi.

La plupart des victimes ont été tuées à coups de machette et trois cabanes ont été incendiées.
L'attaque qui s'est produite vers 01h30 (00h30 GMT) visait le village de Byei, dans la région de Riyom, à 30 kilomètres au sud de Jos, la capitale de l'Etat du Plateau, a précisé la radio citant le président de la municipalité de Riyom. [...]

Ver notícia da France 24

16 março, 2010

Professora que explicou que a Al-Qaeda é uma organização terrorista foi agredida por aluno

Un élève de troisième d'un collège ardéchois a été convoqué devant la justice pour avoir aspergé de gaz lacrymogène vendredi son enseignante d'Histoire qui venait d'expliquer qu'al-Qaïda était une organisation terroriste, a indiqué l'enseignante aujourd'hui.

Le parquet de Privas a confirmé l'agression, sans en préciser les circonstances. "Je venais d'expliquer que les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 étaient dus à l'organisation terroriste al-Qaïda, comme c'est écrit sur leur livre. Il s'est levé, a dit qu'al-Qaïda n'était pas terroriste, que les talibans non plus", a expliqué l'enseignante, également chef de ce petit établissement de Largentière. [...]

Ver notícia do jornal Figaro

Malásia critica a Suécia pela publicação dos cartoons

The Malaysian foreign minister has asked Sweden to take action against newspapers which reprinted a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog last week.

"Malaysia strongly denounces the reprinting of the caricature of Prophet Muhammad by three Swedish newspapers on 10 March 2010," foreign minister Anifah Aman said in an unusually outspoken statement yesterday.

He said his country was concerned that such "despicable acts disregard the
sensitivity of the Muslim world in the name of freedom of expression."

"Such irresponsible acts are provocative and offensive in nature and hence
it is totally unacceptable," he added. [...]

Ver notícia do jornal The Local

Casal britânico condenado a um mês de prisão por se beijar num restaurante do Dubai

Ayman Najafi, 24, a marketing consultant who lives in Dubai, and Charlotte Adams, 25, an estate agent from North London, were said to have been touching each other and kissing passionately as they dined with friends in a beachfront restaurant.

They were arrested and sentenced to a month in prison after which they were told they would be deported. [...]

Ver notícia no jornal Telegraph

Dois muçulmanos acusados de tentar matar o cartoonista sueco Lars Vilks

Two Muslim men were charged last night in the Irish Republic in connection with an alleged plot to murder Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, whose artwork outraged many Muslims after he depicted the Prophet Muhammad's head on the body of a dog in 2007.

Algerian Ali Charafe Damache and Abdul-Salam Mansour al-Jehani, from Libya, were brought before a specially convened court in Waterford, south-east Ireland late last night [...]

Ver notícia do jornal Guardian

05 março, 2010

‘Ladies night‘ são discriminitórias na Flórida

Gainesville’s equal opportunity office will be notifying bar owners that “ladies night” drink specials violate a city ordinance banning discrimination.

A letter drafted by the city’s equal opportunity director, Cecil Howard, cites specials giving ladies two-for-one drinks and admitting them into bars free before 11 p.m. as violations. Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan said the letter will be sent in an effort to get bar owners to drop such specials.

“Most people voluntarily come into compliance,” she said.

Members of the University of Florida’s Community Alcohol Coalition — which brings together city, law enforcement and UF officials — discussed the effort Friday. Hanrahan warned the group that it could lead bars to expand drink specials to cover both men and women. [...]

Ver notícia no The Gainesville Sun