28 janeiro, 2010

Manifesto muçulmano para a Noruega

Muslims in Norway need to know how they are supposed to be, think and act. This applies both in relation to daily circumstances and to greater questions.
”Good earth gives rich produce... And poor earth gives unhealthy produce. (The Koran 7, 58) Muslims shall be good earth, and that should be noticed by their actions.
God is the highest authority. He is in fact the only authority. No one shall bend to anyone but Him.
Norwegian authorities have power in this country. Muslims shall respect this. The authorities determine laws, which the inhabitants must adhere to. But the State is secular. The authorities can also be this way. Muslims shall not adopt thoughts and norms, from the State or others, that are not compatible with Islam. [...]

Ver texto no Koranen.no

Imam em Espanha acusado de perseguir mulher por não usar véu

The prosecutors are seeking a five-year jail sentence for Mohammed Benbrahim, a Moroccan, on charges of slander, coercion and menacing behaviour against fellow Moroccan Muslim Fatima Ghailan. The two live in Cunit, a town in Catalonia, a region with a sizable Muslim population.

The court filed similar charges against the president of the Islamic Association in Cunit and lesser ones against Mr Benbrahim's wife and his daughter. In a statement to the court in the nearby town of Vendrells, Mrs Ghailan, 31, said Benbrahim had harassed her and campaigned to have her removed from her job in the town hall's cultural department purely because she had a job, dressed in a Western style, drove a car and associated with non-Muslims. [...]

Ver notícia no Telegraph

11 janeiro, 2010

Cristãos coptas perseguidos no Egipto

Making up about 10% of the population in Egypt, most Egyptian Christians are Coptic Christians. The Coptic branch of Christianity is one of the oldest surviving branches of Christianity. The Coptic Church bears similarities to the Eastern Orthodox. Some of the oldest extant Christian texts come from the Coptic religion. Despite their crucial importance to Christian discourse and religious ideas, the suffering this branch of Christianity experiences in Egypt is not well documented or publicized.

Late at night on Christmas Eve Mass in Naj Hammadi southern Egypt on January 7th there was a vicious drive-by shooting which resulted in the deaths of six church goers and one security official. [...]

Ver notícia no The Sop