10 janeiro, 2012

O e-caderno dos conflitos multiculturais deixa de ter atualização de conteúdos a partir de 10 de Janeiro de 2012. 

03 janeiro, 2012

Ataques de seita muçulmana radical a igreja fazem dezenas de mortos na Nigéria

Attacks across Nigeria by a radical Muslim sect killed at least 39 people Sunday, with the majority dying on the steps of a Catholic church in a massive explosion after Christmas Mass.
Elsewhere, a bomb exploded amid gunfire in the central Nigeria city of Jos and a suicide car bomber attacked the military in the nation's northeast as part of an apparently coordinated assault by the sect known as Boko Haram.
The Christmas Day violence, denounced by world leaders and the Vatican, showed the threat of the widening insurrection posed by Boko Haram against Nigeria's weak central government. Despite a recent paramilitary crackdown against the sect in the oil-rich nation, it appears that Africa's most populous nation remains unable to stop the threat.
"These are cowardly attacks on families gathered in peace and prayer to celebrate a day which symbolizes harmony and goodwill towards others," Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague said in a statement.

Ver notícia no Wall Street Journal

01 janeiro, 2012

22 dezembro, 2011

04 dezembro, 2011

Grã-Bretanha: Islão "in", Cristianismo "out"

A Christian worker in Britain has filed a lawsuit after losing her job when she exposed a campaign of systematic harassment by fundamentalist Muslims.
In a landmark legal case, Nohad Halawi, a former employee at London's Heathrow Airport, is suing her former employer for unfair dismissal, claiming that Christian staff members, including her, were discriminated against because of their religious beliefs.
Halawi's case is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre (CLC), an organization that provides legal support for Christians in the United Kingdom. CLC says the case raises important legal issues, and also questions over whether Muslims and Christians are treated differently by employers.
Halawi, who immigrated to Britain from Lebanon in 1977, told the London Telegraph "that she was told that she would go to Hell for her religion, that Jews were responsible for the September 11th terror attacks, and that a friend was reduced to tears having been bullied for wearing a cross."
Halawi worked at the airport for 13 years as a saleswoman at World Duty Free, where she sold perfumes. Halawi was dismissed in July, following complaints by five Muslims that she was being "anti-Islamic."
Halawi says her problems with the Muslims began after she defended a Christian friend who worked with her at the same store, and who was being harassed by the Muslims for wearing a necklace with a cross. [...].

Ver notícia no Hudson Institute

20 novembro, 2011

Cerca de 8.000 raparigas de nacionalidade britânica são obrigas anualmente a casar contra a sua vontade

When 13-year-old Sameem Ali was offered a reward for doing household chores — a holiday with her extended family on the other side of the world — she was overjoyed. Still a child, Sameem imagined sandcastles and a beach to play on. The reality was very different. When she travelled from her family home in Moss Side, an inner-city suburb of Greater Manchester, she found herself in a small Pakistani village with no electricity and no running water. It was then that her mother told her she was there to marry a man twice her age whom she had seen only once at a family get-together in Pakistan. [...]

Ver notícia no Daily Mail

02 novembro, 2011

Jornal satírico francês ‘Charlie Hedbo‘ atacado após ter publicado edição especial ‘Charia Hebdo‘

Les locaux parisiens du journal satirique, qui sort aujourd'hui un numéro sur la charia, ont été attaqués au cocktail molotov. Son site Internet a par ailleurs été piraté. La réponse n'aura pas tardé. Deux jours après l'annonce, par l'hebdomadaire satirique Charlie Hebdo, de la sortie d'un numéro baptisé «Charia Hebdo», avec «Mahomet rédacteur en chef», le siège du magazine a été détruit par un incendie. Situés dans le 20ème arrondissement de Paris, les locaux ont à première vue été attaqués dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi au cocktail molotov. Aucune victime n'est à déplorer mais «tout ce qui nous sert à faire le journal a cramé», selon Stéphane Charbonnier, alias Charb, dessinateur et directeur de la publication de Charlie Hebdo. Le site internet du journal a par ailleurs été piraté, affichant en lieu et place de sa page d'accueil une image de la grande mosquée de La Mecque, accompagnée de la phrase «No god but Allah» («Pas d'autre Dieu qu'Allah»). Avant cela, un message en anglais et en turc, intitulé «Pour l'Islam», dénonçait l'utilisation de l'image du prophète, que la religion musulmane proscrit. [...]

Ver notícia do Le Figaro

24 outubro, 2011

Centro de ‘propaganda saudita‘ abre loja em Viena

Saudi Arabia is spearheading the establishment of a controversial new "interreligious and intercultural dialogue center" in the Austrian capital Vienna.
The King Abdullah Center for Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Dialogue (here, here and here) was inaugurated at the Albertina Museum in downtown Vienna on October 13. The foreign ministers of the three founding states - Austria, Spain and Saudi Arabia - were in attendance. The institution will be located at the Palais Sturany on the Schottenring in the heart of Vienna.
The Saudis say the purpose of the multi-million-dollar initiative is to "foster dialogue" between the world's major religions in order to "prevent conflict."
But critics say the center is an attempt by Saudi Arabia to establish a permanent "propaganda center" in central Europe from which to spread the conservative Wahhabi sect of Islam. [...]

Ver artigo no Hudson Institute

09 outubro, 2011

Egipto: uma manifestação de cristãos coptas degenera em violência

Une manifestation de Coptes a dégénéré au Caire, dimanche 9 octobre, provoquant la mort de trois policiers selon la télévision publique, et d'au moins seize manifestants selon l'AFP. Les Coptes, qui représentent 10 % de la population égyptienne, accusent des islamistes radicaux d'avoir partiellement démoli une église dans la province d'Assouan la semaine dernière. Ils ont manifesté pour demander le renvoi du gouverneur à qui ils reprochent de n'avoir pas su protéger leur lieu de culte. [...]

Ver notícia no Le Monde

29 setembro, 2011

A teocracia iraniana em acção: pastor cristão enfrenta pena de morte por apostasia

[...] Youcef Nadarkhani, a Christian pastor in Iran, stands accused of apostasy. His "crime" – forgive the sarcastic quotes – is having once been Muslim, but now being Christian: from turning from one monotheistic Abrahamic religion which recognises Jesus Christ as a holy figure, to another monotheistic Abrahamic religion which recognises Jesus Christ as a holy figure. He has been asked three times to recant his beliefs, but has refused. If he refuses a fourth time, he could be executed at any time; he will be asked again today, and could die tomorrow.

This is, of course, against international law, for what little that means. More surprisingly, it is also apparently against Iranian law: Pastor Nadarkhani was not, it seems, a practising Muslim before he converted to Christianity, so there is no apostasy. One Iranian court ruled that this meant he was innocent; the Supreme Court, however, decided that because he has Muslim ancestry, he remains guilty. On such utterly fatuous threads a man's life hangs. [...]

Ver notícia no Telegraph

16 setembro, 2011

Programa da CBS ‘60 minutos‘ expõe a opressão na Turquia dos direitos das minorias

CBS' 60 Minutes recently featured a devastating exposé on the violation of Greek minorities' rights in Turkey.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of the Greek Orthodox Church, headquartered in Istanbul, courageously criticized the Turkish government for treating him as a "second-class citizen." He went on to state that he felt like he was being "crucified."

This is perhaps the first time that a major American TV network has dared to broadcast coverage of the discriminatory practices of the repressive Turkish regime against Greek minorities. It appears that CBS was able to withstand intense pressure Ankara and highly-paid Washington lobbyists that routinely try to censor programs that expose the Turkish government's abusive behavior.

Not surprisingly, various Turkish officials, including Pres. Gul, reacted angrily. Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu disingenuously suggested that the Greek Patriarch should have submitted his complaints to the authorities in Ankara. The Foreign Minister acted as if he was unaware that for years countless complaints had been lodged by the Patriarch about the injustices suffered by his people. The Turkish government not only has remained unresponsive to these complaints, but has carried out a deliberate policy of harassment and intimidation to force thousands of Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians and Jews to abandon their homes and businesses and relocate overseas. [...]

Ver notícia no The Hunffigton Post

06 setembro, 2011

Município espanhol baniu chamamento muçulmano para a oração

Salt's mayor Jaume Torramade has asserted that the proclamation to prayer was not to be heard in the municipality during his tenure.

He has accused the Muslim immigrants there of having leaned towards 'radicalism' over the recent years, the Hudson Institute policy organization reported.

In a recent interview, Torramade pointed out that "a few years ago, the Maghreb (Moroccan) women were more westernized, but nowadays one sees much less of that.”

“The large numbers of Muslim immigrants in Salt have attracted imams who are enforcing conduct and dress codes. Muslim women used to wear blue jeans, but now they cover their hair."  [...]

Ver notícia na PressTV

10 agosto, 2011

Londres, um modelo de mistura urbana fragilizado pela crise

Quelles sont les causes des émeutes urbaines qui ont déferlé sur Londres depuis le 6 août ? La pauvreté, la marginalisation sociale, l'absence d'autorité parentale, la haine de la police ou le pur vandalisme expliquent, pêle-mêle, cette flambée de violence qui a envahi le petit écran à grand renfort de chromos.

Mais, contrairement aux idées reçues, les pires saccages n'ont pas eu lieu dans les arrondissements les plus pauvres où rôdent les damnés du quart-monde. Tottenham, Hackney, Clapham, Croydon ou Enfield, théâtres des plus graves violences, sont des quartiers types de la mixité sociale qui est la norme dans la capitale. Ce mélange traditionnel entre riches et pauvres fonctionne sans trop d'accrocs en période d'essor économique.

En revanche, comme l'attestent les actes de délinquance, cette cohabitation peut facilement se fracturer en période de crise économique, de coupes draconiennes dans les dépenses publiques, en particulier dans les budgets sociaux, et d'envolée du chômage des jeunes pas ou peu qualifiés. [...]

Ver notícia no Le Monde

07 agosto, 2011

Noite de violência, vandalismo e pilhagens em Londres, no bairro de Tottenham

There were scenes of chaos in the early hours of Sunday morning as sustained looting spread from Tottenham to other nearby areas of Haringey.
By midnight police managed to secure a 200-metre stretch of the Tottenham High Road, scene of some of the worst rioting on Saturday night.
But as fire engines entered the street, and began putting out blazing cars and buildings, the rioters spread north and west through back-streets. To the north, at Tottenham Hale, Aldi supermarket was ransacked and set on fire. So too was a nearby carpet shop, causing a huge blaze.
Looters turned up with cars and shopping trolleys to carry away stolen goods. Nearby, large groups of youths congregated in the surrounding streets with sticks, bottles and hammers. [...]

Ver notícia no Guardian

25 julho, 2011

Anders Breivik queria provocar uma guerra da Cristandade contra o Islão

Anders Breivik, el asesino confeso de casi un centenar de personas, asegura que siempre actuó solo, pero ha pedido una audiencia pública este lunes para poder explicar sus teorías según las cuales este acto «atroz» era a su juicio «necesario» para desencadenar una reacción europea contra los musulmanes. Ha dejado escrito un manifiesto de más de mil páginas que termina unas horas antes de que estallase el coche-bomba contra el edificio de las oficinas del primer ministro y en el que detalla con trazo grueso sus delirantes teorías. No faltan referencias a todos los países europeos —incluyendo a España— y las críticas a los dirigentes que considera que están traicionando la identidad europea y que han abierto la puerta a una colonización musulmana del continente. Según Breivik, en 2083 culminará su proyecto con una serie de golpes de Estado en todo el continente [...]

Ver notícia no ABC

11 julho, 2011

Falhanço do multiculturalismo, ascensão do terrorismo

Six years ago yesterday, on July 7, 2005, Islamist suicide bombers attacked London's transit system. They blew up three subway trains and a bus, killing 52 people and leaving a nation groping for answers.

Whereas 911 was the work of a foreign terrorist group, 7/7 was the work of British citizens. The question that haunts London is why four men born and brought up in Britain were gripped by such fanatic zeal for a murderous, mediaeval dogma.

The British authorities have expended much effort in seeking to understand how the 7/7 terrorists acquired their perverted ideas and became "radicalised". In the wake of the attacks, much ink was spilled over the role of extremist preachers and radical mosques. More recently, the focus has shifted to universities as recruitment centres for terrorists.

But this obsession with radicalisation misses the point. The real question is why so many young men - who by all accounts are intelligent, articulate and integrated - come to find this violent, reactionary ideology so attractive. To answer it, we need to look not at extremist preachers or university lecturers but also at public policy and, in particular, the failed policy of multiculturalism. [...]

Ver artigo de Kenan Malik no Today online

28 junho, 2011

Cartoon do Mickey com barba causa turbulência no Egipto

An Egyptian Christian telecom mogul has angered Islamic hard-liners by posting an online cartoon of Mickey Mouse with a beard and Minnie in a face veil.
The ultraconservative Islamists, known as Salafis, called the cartoon posted by Naguib Sawiris on Twitter a mockery of Islam. They launched an online campaign calling on Muslims in Egypt to boycott Sawiris' mobile phone company Mobinil. Shares of Mobilnil and Orascom Telecom, which Sawiris founded, both fell Monday on the Egyptian stock exchange.
Sawiris, who is also a politician, promotes a secular Egypt. He owns media companies and after Mubarak stepped down on Feb. 11, he launched a political party that calls for separation of state and religion.
After the cartoon posted a few days ago stirred complaints on Twitter, Sawiris tweeted an apology on Friday and claimed he was joking.
"I apologize for those who don't take this as a joke; I just thought it was a funny picture; no disrespect meant. I am sorry," he tweeted.
But new Facebook groups cropped and quickly gained more than 60,000 followers, calling for a boycott of his widely used cell phone company.
Named "We are joking Sawiris," the Facebook group said: "If you are really a Muslim, and you love your religion, boycott his projects. We have to cut out the tongue of any person who attacks our religion."
At least 15 Salafi lawyers have filed lawsuits accusing Sawiris of religious contempt, an official at the prosecutor general office said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Ver notícia no LaCrosseTribune

20 junho, 2011

Os países mais perigosos do mundo para as mulheres

Afghanistan, Congo and Pakistan are the world's most dangerous countries for women due to a barrage of threats ranging from violence and rape to dismal healthcare and "honour killngs", a Thomson Reuters Foundation expert poll showed on Wednesday.
India and Somalia ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, in the global perceptions survey by TrustLaw, the Foundation's legal news service.
TrustLaw asked 213 gender experts from five continents to rank countries by overall perceptions of danger as well as by six risks: health threats, sexual violence, non-sexual violence, cultural or religious factors, lack of access to resources and trafficking.
Following are key facts on each of the five countries, ranked in order of danger. [...]

Ver notícia noTrustLaw

15 junho, 2011

Polícia 'cobriu' campanha violenta para tornar a área de Londres 'Islâmica'

Victims say that officers in the borough of Tower Hamlets have ignored or downplayed outbreaks of hate crime, and suppressed evidence implicating Muslims in them, because they fear being accused of racism.
The claims come as four Tower Hamlets Muslims were jailed for at least 19 years for attacking a local white teacher who gave religious studies lessons to Muslim girls.
The Sunday Telegraph has uncovered more than a dozen other cases in Tower Hamlets where both Muslims and non-Muslims have been threatened or beaten for behaviour deemed to breach fundamentalist “Islamic norms.”
One victim, Mohammed Monzur Rahman, said he was left partially blind and with a dislocated shoulder after being attacked by a mob in Cannon Street Road, Shadwell, for smoking during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan last year. [...]

Ver notícia no Telegraph

07 junho, 2011

Véu islâmico retirou sonho olímpico às mulheres iranianas

Imediatamente antes do início do jogo de qualificação diante da Jordânia, chegava a notícia: a selecção feminina do Irão tinha sido banida pela FIFA por causa do véu islâmico.

O sonho de o Irão ter uma equipa a competir no torneio de futebol feminino nos Jogos Olímpicos de 2012, em Londres, foi destroçado por uma decisão inesperada: o véu islâmico que as jogadoras usam durante as partidas infringe as regras da FIFA. A notícia foi conhecida instantes antes do início do jogo de qualificação diante da Jordânia, e a partida já não se realizou. No relvado, as jogadores já tinham alinhado para o começo da partida, e algumas receberam com lágrimas e consternação o facto de serem impedidas de jogar.

As futebolistas iranianas jogam com um fato de corpo inteiro e um lenço na cabeça. A responsável pelo futebol feminino da Federação iraniana, Farideh Shojaei, disse à agência Reuters que já tinham sido feitas alterações ao equipamento das mulheres no ano passado, após uma decisão da FIFA. “Fizemos as correcções solicitadas e já jogámos um encontro depois”, disse a responsável, sublinhando que se acreditava que tivesse sido aprovado pelo organismo dirigido por Joseph Blatter. [...]

Ver notícia no Público

26 maio, 2011

O regresso da poligamia? Mais de 187.000 mulheres turcas dividem o marido com outra pessoa

«Una mujer saludable que analiza por lo que tiene que pasar en caso de divorcio debería, en mi opinión, considerar la poligamia como forma de salvación». Estas palabras serían polémicas en cualquier contexto. Lo son mucho más porque quien las ha pronunciado, Sibel Üresin, es una conocida consultora familiar que asesora al ayuntamiento de Estambul.
Joven –apenas 35 años–, siempre ataviada con un inmaculado velo, Üresin es una figura recurrente en los debates televisivos que tratan cuestiones sobre familia e Islam.
Como especialista, imparte seminarios sobre comunicación dentro de la familia para las municipalidades más conservadoras de Estambul, como Eyüp o Fatih. De ahí lo chocante de sus declaraciones: «Si yo fuese hombre, habría sido polígamo», dijo ayer [...].
Ver notícia no ABC 

19 maio, 2011

Igreja cristã ortodoxa demolida no Norte de Chipre

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) expressed its concern over the demolition of the 200-year-old Greek Orthodox Chapel of Saint Thekla in the village of Vokolida, in the area of the Republic of Cyprus under the control of the Turkish troops and administered by Turkish Cypriot authorities.  The church was demolished on May 2, 2011. USCIRF calls on local Turkish Cypriot authorities to commit to rebuild the church.

“Local Turkish Cypriot authorities have generally failed to take adequate measures to protect religious places of worship from vandals and looters.” said USCIRF Chair, Leonard Leo. “Allowing the demolition of the Saint Thekla chapel exemplifies the ongoing disrespect and violations by Turkish troops and local Turkish Cypriot authorities for the religious freedom and heritage of Greek Orthodox and other religious minority communities in the northern part of Cyprus,” continued Mr. Leo.

A USCIRF delegation travelled to northern Cyprus in February 2011 and saw firsthand the decrepit state of numerous Christian Orthodox churches caused by a prohibition on religious minority groups against repairing their places of worship.  [...]

Ver notícia da US Commission on International Religious Freedom

08 maio, 2011

Confrontos entre cristãos e muçulmanos no Cairo fazem dez mortos e uma centena de feridos

A violência entre os dois grupos religiosos lançou o caos durante a noite no densamente populado bairro de Imbaba, na capital, após o ataque de muçulmanos a uma igreja, depois de se ter sabido que uma mulher cristã que queria converter-se ao islão teria sido ali encerrada.
O primeiro-ministro Essam Charaf adiou a visita que tinha marcada para os Emirados Árabes Unidos e Bahrain, segundo está a avançar a televisão estatal egípcia. Os confrontos levaram a que o exército e a polícia anti-motim tivesse de actuar, tendo sido confirmado já que 190 pessoas vão ser julgadas em tribunal militar devido a estes confrontos.
"O Conselho Supremo Militar [que exerce provisoriamente o poder no país, desde a deposição de Hosni Mubarak, a 11 de Fevereiro] decidiu enviar para julgamento no Tribunal Supremo Militar todos aqueles que foram detidos durante os incidentes de ontem, ou seja, 190 pessoas", foi anunciado pelo organismo na sua página na rede social Facebook.
Também no mesmo bairro de Imbaba uma outra igreja foi incendiada  [...].

Ver notícia no Público

30 abril, 2011

A emigração muçulmana transforma a Finlândia

As in other European countries (here and here), the politically correct guardians of Finnish multiculturalism have tried to silence public discussion about the escalating problem of Muslim immigration.
In March 2009, for example, Jussi Kristian Halla-aho, a politician and well-known political commentator, was taken to court on charges of "incitement against an ethnic group" and "breach of the sanctity of religion" for writing that Islam is a religion of paedophilia. He was referring to the Islamic prophet Mohammed, who is believed to have married a six year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was nine.
A Helsinki court later dropped the charges of blasphemy but ordered Halla-aho to pay a fine of €330 ($450) for disturbing religious worship. The Finnish public prosecutor, incensed at the lower court's dismissal of the blasphemy charges, appealed the case to the Finnish Supreme Court, where it is now being reviewed.
Halla-Aho, the best-known political blogger in Finland, maintains a blog entitled Scripta, that deals with issues such as "immigration, multiculturalism, tolerance, racism, freedom of speech and political correctness." His blog has between 3,000 and 6,000 readers a day. According to Halla-aho, immigration is a taboo topic in Finland. He has received death threats because of his web columns, which criticize the number of immigrants coming to Finland and argue that Muslims cannot be integrated. [...]

Ver artigo no Hudson New York 

18 abril, 2011

Tribunal da Jordânia quer julgar cartoonista dinamarquês que caricaturou Maomé

A Jordanian court will begin this month the trial of Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard over a controversial caricature of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed, but it was unclear if he will attend.
Zakarya Sheikh, spokesman for a group of local media outlets that sued Westergaard in 2008 for depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his turban, said on Thursday the artist and others have been summoned by a magistrates' court in Amman to stand trial on April 25."
A copy of the subpoena obtained by AFP says Westergaard "is accused of the crime of blasphemy." [...]

Ver notícia no France 24