18 abril, 2011

Tribunal da Jordânia quer julgar cartoonista dinamarquês que caricaturou Maomé

A Jordanian court will begin this month the trial of Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard over a controversial caricature of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed, but it was unclear if he will attend.
Zakarya Sheikh, spokesman for a group of local media outlets that sued Westergaard in 2008 for depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his turban, said on Thursday the artist and others have been summoned by a magistrates' court in Amman to stand trial on April 25."
A copy of the subpoena obtained by AFP says Westergaard "is accused of the crime of blasphemy." [...]

Ver notícia no France 24 

Um comentário:

  1. Todas as caricaturas são elogios a maomé.
    O islam é o que maomé disse e fez e os desenhos representam isso mesmo.
