31 março, 2010
A principal organização muçulmana da Indonésia radicaliza-se
A batalha contra a mesquita de Varsóvia
Though police and media almost outnumbered the protestors, the demonstrations – three different ones in all – were noisy but peaceful. Chants of “Down with Jihad” and “Freedom for women” by the anti-mosque protestors mingled with “Stop Islamophobia” from the pro-mosque group led by members of Poland’s extra-parliamentary leftwing. A third group from the far-right All-Polish Youth stood to one side, their green flags fluttering in a bitter wind.
The anti-mosque demonstration was organized by the Future of Europe foundation, who fear the Islamisation of the continent. They claim that the group which will control the mosque, the Polish Muslim League, has possible links to the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood. [...]
Ver notícia no TheNews.pl
29 março, 2010
Erdoğan e Merkel em conflito antes da visita da chancelerina à Turquia
Ahead of her first visit to Ankara in four years, Dr Merkel called on the three million Turkish nationals living in Germany to make a greater effort to integrate into their adoptive home.
Meanwhile, Mr Erdogan denied in an interview with Der Spiegel magazine that the 1915 massacre of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire was genocide.
Despite close business and cultural ties, Dr Merkel’s visit is unlikely to take the edge off bilateral relations burdened by Turkey’s ambition to achieve full EU membership. [...]
Ver notícia no Irish Times
Dubai: britânico arrisca prisão por gesto com o dedo considerado obsceno
He told Dubai Court of Misdemeanours he denies "flipping the finger" at Mahmoud Rasheed, an Iraqi aviation student, during an argument.
He will appear in court on Sunday for a full hearing of the case.
It is the latest in a string of prosecutions of expatriates and visitors in Dubai for breaching the emirate's public decency laws.
Making insulting gestures is regarded as unacceptable, and carries with it the possibility of a jail sentence of up to six months and deportation. [...]
Ver notícia no Telegraph
28 março, 2010
Deputado belga lança aviso contra a homofobia crescente dos meios extremistas muçulmanos
Selon l'ancien ministre, de plus en plus de sites web islamistes diffusent des propos inacceptables à propos de l'homophilie. Si l'enseignement a un rôle à jouer pour promouvoir la diversité sexuelle, il en va de même de la police, qui ne doit pas agir seulement de façon répressive mais aussi préventive, estime-t-il. [...]
Ver notícia em La Libre Belgique
27 março, 2010
Bispos pedem o fiz da perseguição aos cristãos no Reino Unido
Six prominent bishops and Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, describe the "discrimination" against churchgoers as "unacceptable in a civilised society".
In a thinly-veiled attack on Labour, they claim that traditional beliefs on issues such as marriage are no longer being upheld and call on the major parties to address the issue in the run-up to the general election.
In a letter to The Sunday Telegraph, the bishops express their deep disquiet at the double standards of public sector employers, claiming that Christians are punished while followers of other faiths are treated far more sensitively. [...]
Ver notícia no Telegraph
Casal cristão em litígio com hóspede muçulmana diz-se forçado a vender hotel para pagar dívidas
The two Christian hoteliers cleared last year of insulting a Muslim guest are being forced to sell up because their business has collapsed.
Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang are putting their nine-bedroom hotel up for auction in May because they can no longer pay the mortgage.
Despite donations sent to them by Christian supporters from around the world, they still have debts of well over £400,000.
They are also considering a civil action against the police who brought the prosecution.
Mrs Vogelenzang, 54, said last night it was 'devastating' that they could be left with nothing as the result of a case that should never have come to court. [...]
Ver notícia no Daily Mail
Agricultor sueco repreendido por violar o bem-estar dos animais
Authorities found overcrowded and dirty rabbit cages with insufficient hay and water. Horses and cows were confined in dirty and wet stalls. Several dead rabbits were found on the dungheap and the remains of two horses were left out in the open. [...]
26 março, 2010
O Conselho dos Direitos do Homem das Nações Unidas condena a islamofobia
Une résolution contre la diffamation des religions, présentée par l’Organisation de la conférence islamique (OCI) à l’initiative du Pakistan, a été adoptée jeudi à une très courte majorité au sein du Conseil des droits de l’homme à Genève. Les pays de l’OCI et du groupe africain ont voté pour (20 voix), l’Union européenne, les Etats-Unis et certains pays latino-américains contre (17 voix) et il y a eu 8 abstentions. Un paragraphe du texte se réfère à l’interdiction des minarets comme l’une des manifestations de l’islamophobie qu’il condamne.
Ver notícia no Le Temps
Cidade do Texas contra peça que representa Jesus Cristo 'gay' na Universidade Estadual de Tarleton
Just in time for Easter, Tarleton State University is playing host to a student performance of Terrence McNally's 1998 play, "Corpus Christi," which depicts a gay Jesus performing a same-sex wedding for two of his apostles. [...]
Ver notícia na Fox News
25 março, 2010
Iman que defende a execução de gays convidado para conferência na Suécia
The Muslim group has claimed it was unaware of Hakim Quick's extreme views when the booking was made but said it would not remove him from the roster as this would disrupt the conference schedule. [...]
O Quebeque vai banir o uso da burqa às utentes de serviços públicos
Quebec will refuse all government services, including education and non-emergency health care, to fully veiled Muslim women under legislation tabled on Wednesday in the National Assembly.
Jean Charest, the Liberal Premier, said the bill establishing guidelines for the accommodation of religious minorities is aimed at "drawing a line" to demonstrate that gender equality is a paramount Quebec value.
"If you are someone employed by the state and you deliver a service, you will deliver it with your face uncovered," he told reporters in Quebec City. "If you are a citizen who receives services, you will receive them with your face uncovered." [...]
Homem de Toronto com ligações à al-Qaeda era autor de blogue extremista
The blog, called The Gardens of Paradise, features letters by two of the Toronto 18 terror suspects, an al-Qaeda propaganda video that calls fighting "obligatory" for Muslims and several of Al-Awlaki's video and audio statements.
The author of the blog is identified only by his online name, "Shadows15," but a posting on an extremist Internet forum indicates it was the blog of Mohamed Elmi Ibrahim and an official source confirmed that was correct.
Mr. Ibrahim, a University of Toronto student, maintained the blog for almost two years until May 2009. He left Canada later that year. Canadian authorities have been investigating suspicions he traveled to Somali to join the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabab. [...]
Ver notícia no National Post
24 março, 2010
Iémen: a longa campanha contra as crianças-esposas
Au cœur de la controverse : une loi, votée en février 2009, sous la pression des associations féministes, qui fixe l'âge minimum du mariage à 17 ans pour les femmes (contre 15 ans à l'heure actuelle). Avec, à l'appui, une pénalité d'environ 350 euros aux familles qui dérogent à la règle. D'abord abrogée, cette loi est actuellement soumise à la révision du comité constitutionnel, sur demande des ultras conservateurs, qui l'accusent d'être à l'encontre des « préceptes religieux ». [...]
Ver notícia no Figaro
Caminho para a xenofobia adiado por abertura de portas de uma mesquita na Alemanha
A Muslim congregation applied in November to build a minaret and three golden cupolas on the roof of the old movie theater it had converted into a mosque. The far-right party here in the state of Saarland, emboldened by last year’s ban on minarets in Switzerland, seized on the issue, calling the proposed 28-foot minaret “the bayonet of Islam.” [...]
Ver notícia no New York Times
23 março, 2010
A quota de homens da Deutsche Telekom
Ver notícia no Der Spiegel.
Peace Village, enclave islâmico no Canadá
L'appel à la prière tombe sur Peace Village, terre d'islam en plein Canada. Les 3 000 habitants y sont tous musulmans. Des Pakistanais pour la plupart, mais aussi des Bengalis ou des Nigériens. Comme tous les vendredis, à 13h30 tapantes, la foi transporte ce petit peuple voilé ou moustachu de l'avenue Abdus Salam vers une immense mosquée blanche. Les dômes d'acier de Bait'ul Al Islam dominent l'horizon. Des croyantes, vêtues du niqab noir ou de voiles aux couleurs chatoyantes, se pressent vers la mosquée. Journaux en ourdou sous le bras, les hommes vêtus du salwar kameez, longue chemise traditionnelle pakistanaise, entrent par une porte séparée. La mosquée fait salle comble. Un millier de fidèles se tourne vers La Mecque. [...]
Ver notícia no jornal Figaro
Baile de finalistas de uma estudante lésbica no Mississipi acaba em tribunal
When e-mails poured in from around the world branding them “hillbilly idiots” for barring her from wearing a tuxedo to the school prom and slow-dancing with her girlfriend, they realised that they had an even bigger problem on their hands.
Yesterday, clutching documents and accompanied by lawyers, they went before a federal judge to defend their handling of the Constance McMillen case, telling how, in denying the teenager the right to dress up and take her same-sex sweetheart to the dance, they had brought a deluge of criticism on their community of 3,882 people. [...]
Ver notícia no Times
21 março, 2010
Casamento: um direito inalienável?
Since 2004, anybody who wants to bring his or her partner to live in the Netherlands needs to earn at least 120 percent of the minimum wage. This condition effectively makes it impossible for people on welfare to marry a foreigner and live together in the Netherlands, but also excludes students and those working part-time [...].
Ver notícia no NRC Handelsblad
20 março, 2010
Aumento do casamento entre primos nos imigrantes muçulmanos ‘está a colocar a saúde das crianças em risco’
The dangers of marriage between first cousins are to be highlighted by a leading professor, with a warning that their children are at risk of genetic defects.
Baroness Deech, a family law professor and crossbencher, will call next week for a “vigorous” public campaign to deter the practice, which is prevalent in Muslim and immigrant communities and on the rise. She will reignite a debate started five years ago when Ann Cryer, MP for Keighley, drew attention to the number of disabled babies being born in the town and called for cousin marriage to be stopped.
Fifty-five per cent of British Pakistanis are married to first cousins and in Bradford the figure is 75 per cent. British Pakistanis represent 3 per cent of all births in Britain but one third of children with recessive disorders. [...]
Ver notícia no Times
19 março, 2010
Soldados gay holandeses responsáveis pelo massacre de Srebrenica, segundo general norte-americano
The Dutch government condemned the comments by Gen John Sheehan, a former Nato commander and senior marine officer, as outrageous.
Gen Sheehan made the remarks at a Senate hearing where he argued against plans by President Barack Obama to end a ban on allowing gays to serve openly in the US military.
Gen Sheehan said that after the end of the Cold War, European militaries changed and concluded "there was no longer a need for an active combat capability."
He said this process included "open homosexuality" which resulted in "a focus on peacekeeping operations because they did not believe the Germans were going to attack again or the Soviets were coming back.Ver notícia no jornal Telegraph
18 março, 2010
Quotas ilusórias para as mulheres na Índia
Ver notícia no Courrier International
‘Criminosos marroquinos‘ podem ser juventude frustrada
The study was intended to give the Dutch government a fair method of distributing extra funds between municipalities. As it turns out, the city of Gouda leads the pack when it comes to these new crime statistics. One out of three perpetrators here is Moroccan, corresponding to 0.55 percent of Gouda’s entire population. [...].
Ver a notícia no NRC Handelsblad
A Turquia ameaça deportar imigrantes arménios
Ver a notícia no EurActiv
Actrizes brancas britânicas objecto de campanha para abandonar Bollywood na Índia
Stars including Alice Patten, the daughter of Lord Patten of Barnes, and Hazel Crowney, a former model from Kent, have been accused of stealing jobs from local girls.
Raj Thackeray's Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), a Mumbai nationalist street gang and political party which inspires terror throughout the city, has called on foreign white actresses to go home [...].
Ver notícia no Telegraph
17 março, 2010
Treze cristãos massacrados perto da cidade de Jos na Nigéria
16 março, 2010
Professora que explicou que a Al-Qaeda é uma organização terrorista foi agredida por aluno
Le parquet de Privas a confirmé l'agression, sans en préciser les circonstances. "Je venais d'expliquer que les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 étaient dus à l'organisation terroriste al-Qaïda, comme c'est écrit sur leur livre. Il s'est levé, a dit qu'al-Qaïda n'était pas terroriste, que les talibans non plus", a expliqué l'enseignante, également chef de ce petit établissement de Largentière. [...]
Ver notícia do jornal Figaro
Malásia critica a Suécia pela publicação dos cartoons
"Malaysia strongly denounces the reprinting of the caricature of Prophet Muhammad by three Swedish newspapers on 10 March 2010," foreign minister Anifah Aman said in an unusually outspoken statement yesterday.
He said his country was concerned that such "despicable acts disregard the
sensitivity of the Muslim world in the name of freedom of expression."
"Such irresponsible acts are provocative and offensive in nature and hence
it is totally unacceptable," he added. [...]
Ver notícia do jornal The Local
Casal britânico condenado a um mês de prisão por se beijar num restaurante do Dubai
They were arrested and sentenced to a month in prison after which they were told they would be deported. [...]
Ver notícia no jornal Telegraph
Dois muçulmanos acusados de tentar matar o cartoonista sueco Lars Vilks
Algerian Ali Charafe Damache and Abdul-Salam Mansour al-Jehani, from Libya, were brought before a specially convened court in Waterford, south-east Ireland late last night [...]
Ver notícia do jornal Guardian
05 março, 2010
‘Ladies night‘ são discriminitórias na Flórida
A letter drafted by the city’s equal opportunity director, Cecil Howard, cites specials giving ladies two-for-one drinks and admitting them into bars free before 11 p.m. as violations. Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan said the letter will be sent in an effort to get bar owners to drop such specials.
“Most people voluntarily come into compliance,” she said.
Members of the University of Florida’s Community Alcohol Coalition — which brings together city, law enforcement and UF officials — discussed the effort Friday. Hanrahan warned the group that it could lead bars to expand drink specials to cover both men and women. [...]
Ver notícia no The Gainesville Sun
04 março, 2010
Três muçulmanos detidos por supeita de disparo sobre um gay em São Francisco
Mohammad Habibzada, Shafiq Hashemi and Sayed Bassam, all 24, are scheduled to be arraigned today in San Francisco Superior Court. They are free on $50,000 bond apiece.
The victim of Friday's attack was walking on the 3200 block of 16th Street near Guerrero Street about 10 p.m. when a car pulled up and someone inside opened fire with a BB rifle, police said.
The man was hit in the face but refused medical treatment, said Lt. Lyn Tomioka, spokeswoman for the Police Department. He reported the shooting to police, who pulled over a car that matched the assailants' vehicle a short distance away and arrested the three Hayward men.
Investigators believe the assailants chose the victim because he appeared to be gay. [...]
Ver notícia no San Francisco Chronicle