29 abril, 2010

A interdição do porte da burqua no espaço público votado pelo parlamento belga

La Chambre a adopté jeudi à l'unanimité moins deux abstentions (du sp.a) une proposition de loi visant à interdire le port de vêtements qui empêchent l'identification d'une personne dans l'espace public. Visant particulièrement la burqa, cette proposition émane de la majorité, à l'initiative du MR.

Elle ne sortira toutefois ses effets que le jour où elle aura parcouru tout le parcours parlementaire.

Le Sénat dispose maintenant d'un délai de quinze jours pour évoquer la proposition.

Ensuite s'offre à lui un nouveau délai (renouvelable) de 60 jours pour éventuellement l'amender.

Or, l'imminence de la dissolution des assemblées entraînera la caducité de la proposition votée à la Chambre.

Dans ce cas, le texte pourra être relevé de caducité lors de la prochaine législature.

La chef de groupe Ecolo à la Chambre, Muriel Gerkens, a indiqué jeudi que ses collègues au Sénat entendaient obtenir l'évocation de la proposition afin que le Conseil d'Etat puisse être saisi d'un avis.

Ver notícia no Libre Belgique

28 abril, 2010

Debate sobre liberdade de expressão cancelado na Universidade sueca de Jönköping por razões de segurança

A debate about freedom of speech at Jönköping University has been cancelled due to security concerns. The reason is that the artist Lars Vilks would participate. Vilks made a couple of years ago a sculpture of the Prophet Mohammed as a roundabout dog which has made some people direct threats against him

Ver notícia no Stockolm News

24 abril, 2010

As ONG de direitos humanos apoiam Najwa no uso do véu islâmico

La causa de Najwa Malha, la adolescente de 16 años vetada en un instituto de Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) por asistir a clase con hiyab (pañuelo islámico), sumó ayer el apoyo de varias ONG internacionales de derechos humanos.

Amnistía Internacional afirmó en un manifiesto que “todas las personas tienen derecho a decidir si usar o no indumentaria o símbolos religiosos, y que deben tomar esa decisión sin sufrir discriminación”. La Liga Española Pro Derechos Humanos también emitió un comunicado en “apoyo a Najwa Malha en su lucha por su derecho a la libertad religiosa”. “Es inadmisible la actitud de la dirección del establecimiento, que persiste en aplicar un reglamento interno anticonstitucional”, continúa esta ONG. [...]

Ver notícia no Publico.es

23 abril, 2010

Episódio sobre Maomé de South Park censurado

South Park is not known as a show that shies away from controversy, but last night its creators appeared to bow to threats of violence from a US Muslim group by censoring a typically irreverent episode about religious leaders, including Muhammad.

Wednesday night's show was labelled with the word "Censored" after the words Prophet Muhammad were beeped out during broadcast and images of the prophet in a bear outfit were substituted with ones of Santa Claus in the same costume.

But whether the changes were intended to acquiesce to the threats, or make fun of them, was not immediately clear. In the first part of the 200th episode screened last week, Muhammad appeared several times inside a bear suit, while the leaders of other religions were also depicted irreverently, including a scene which showed Buddha snorting drugs.

Before last night's show was aired, Islamists warned its creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, they could face severe retribution for repeating the depiction of Muhammad in costume. [...]

Ver notícia no Guardian

Casamento Homossexual: Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa vai analisar enunciado polémico

O Conselho Pedagógico da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa deverá apreciar na próxima semana o enunciado de um exame, relativo ao casamento homossexual, que alguns alunos afirmam ser uma "provocação discriminatória e ridícula".

Na prova de Direito Constitucional II, o regente da cadeira, Paulo Otero, propôs um enunciado segundo o qual a Assembleia da República aprovou um diploma que permite o casamento poligâmico entre seres humanos e entre humanos e animais vertebrados domésticos, como "um complemento à lei sobre o casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo".

Depois, foi pedido aos estudantes que apresentassem argumentos para defender tanto a constitucionalidade como a inconstitucionalidade do documento. [...]

Ver notícia no Público

21 abril, 2010

Muçulmanos avisam criadores de South Park após piada sobre Maomé

A US Muslim website has warned the creators of South Park they face death after once again depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammed in an episode last week.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone celebrated the 200th episode of South Park with a storyline in which the actor Tom Cruise launches a class lawsuit against the animation’s townsfolk, uniting every celebrity that has ever been insulted by the cartoon.

During the episode, Cruise agrees not to pursue his lawsuit if the South Park characters can hand Mohammed over to him. It transpires Cruise and the other celebrities, who include Bono, the Pope, Mel Gibson, and George Lucas leading a ball-gagged Harrison Ford on a leash, only want Mohammed for his "goo", which they believe will lend them invulnerability to public ridicule. Mohammed eventually appears, but dressed in a bear suit. [...]

20 abril, 2010

Em 20 anos o Islão será maioritário Bruxelas?

En plein essor démographique, la capitale de la Belgique est déjà l'une des villes les plus multiculturelles d'Europe. Les courants musulmans sont déjà majoritaires dans certains quartiers. Et pourraient se renforcer dans les vingt années à venir. Pour quel futur ensemble ? Notre enquête. [...].

Ver artigo no Le Vif/L´Express

16 abril, 2010

Marco Polo era um ‘islamófobo‘?

If the same exact criticisms being made against Islam today were also made centuries ago, is it reasonable to automatically dismiss them all as “Islamophobic” — that is, as “unfounded fear of and hostility towards Islam,” as the Council on American Islamic Relations would have it?

This is the question I often ask myself whenever I read pre-modern writings on Islam. Take that elementary schoolbook hero, Marco Polo and his famous memoirs, for example. By today’s standards, the 13th century Venetian merchant would be denounced as a rabid “Islamophobe.” For me, however, his writings contain a far more important lesson — one in continuity — and deserve closer scrutiny [...].

Ver artigo no Pajamas Media

12 abril, 2010

Trabalhistas pretendem obrigar trabalhadores estrangeiros a falar inglês

All public sector workers will be expected to speak English and failing police chiefs will be easier to sack, under manifesto pledges to be announced by Gordon Brown today.

The Prime Minister hopes to convince voters that he understands their concerns and has the energy and ideas to drive through improvements to services in an era of sharp spending cuts.

Under the Labour proposals, residents could trigger takeovers of individual police divisions within a year, with chief constables facing the sack if they fail to meet minimum standards after three years, The Times has been told. [...]

Ver notícia no Times

07 abril, 2010

Enfermeira proibida de usar crucifixo no local de trabalho pelo tribunal

The nurse at the centre of a growing storm over discrimination against Christians yesterday lost her fight to wear a crucifix at work. Shirley Chaplin, 54, was told by an employment tribunal that wearing the cross is not a 'mandatory requirement' of her faith.

She had been taken off hospital wards and moved to a desk job after refusing to remove the religious symbol. Yesterday the grandmother lost her religious discrimination case against the hospital trust that employed her. She described the result as 'a very bad day for Christianity'.

Seven bishops had supported her battle against the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, who said the inch-long crucifix and chain to which it was attached raised health and safety concerns. The Archbishop of Canterbury referred to 'wooden-headed bureaucratic silliness' when highlighting her battle in his Easter sermon.

Ver notícia no Daily Mail

04 abril, 2010

Católicos vêem na oração compartilhada tentativas de ‘apoderar-se da catedral‘ de Córdoba

El altercado protagonizado por más de un centenar de musulmanes con nacionalidad austriaca en la Mezquita Catedral el pasado Miércoles Santo cuando intentaban orar con un imán y fueron desalojados ha dejado aún más claro a las asociaciones cristianas cordobesas que no hay que permitir el rezo compartido en este templo católico.

El primero en lamentar lo sucedido ha sido el presidente de la Asociación Presencia Cristiana, Miguel Ángel Parra, quien subrayó el hecho de que el grupo de musulmanes fuera armado. En este sentido, Parra dijo que ésto demuestra una «premeditación clara» por pensar que pudiera haber pelea. Como en otras ocasiones, Presencia Cristiana recuerda que la Catedral es «la Catedral de Córdoba y que es para su culto». La antigüedad como catedral cristiana, ahondó Parra, «es superior a la de época musulmana». Y les hizo recordar que hace 800 años que la Mezquita Catedral es cristiana y después de 500 de ocupación musulmana, fue 300 años atrás basílica visigoda. Por este motivo, dijo, «no entendemos la petición de culto compartido, ya que el número de mezquitas en la ciudad es suficiente para los musulmanes que residen en la ciudad y de otro lado, no entra dentro del rito musulmán el rezar en un lugar compartido por otras creencias». [...]

Ver notícia no ABC

01 abril, 2010

Gordon Brown: ‘os imigrantes devem honrar os valores britânicos‘

Gordon Brown said immigrants who are unwilling to honour British values are not welcome yesterday, as he pledged to do more to meet the concerns of the “mainstream majority”.

Mr Brown said he agreed that it was unfair if newcomers took advantage of Britain’s freedoms without making a fair contribution in return. But his attempt to deal with strong voter concerns over immigration was undermined when he was criticised by a watchdog for exaggerating the fall in migrant numbers.

Sir Michael Scholar, the chairman of the UK Statistics Authority, said that the Prime Minister had used figures in his weekend podcast that were “not comparable” when he claimed that there had been a big fall in net inward migration — the number of people allowed into Britain minus those leaving. [...]

Ver notícia no Times

Grave incidente na mesquita de Córdova provocado por uma oração organizada por turístas muçulmanos

A Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba fue ayer el escenario de un enfrentamiento violento entre vigilantes, policías y turistas musulmanes que trataron de rezar en el interior del templo. De este modo, la polémica sobre la posibilidad de convertir el recinto en ecuménico ha experimentado un nuevo incidente protagonizado, según destacaron fuentes de la Policía Nacional, por algunos visitantes austríacos.

El Obispado de Córdoba informó a este periódico en un comunicado de que el grupo estaba compuesto por un total de 118 turistas extranjeros "que provocaron de manera organizada un reprobable episodio de violencia". Según informó la Policía Nacional, este incidente, en el que también intervino la Policía Local, finalizó con dos personas detenidas y una de ellas era una mujer. [...]

Ver notícia no Diário de Córdoba